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May 30, 2037

8:01 P.M.

"You know, I'm not what you think I am."

We didn't break eye contact after Namjoon said this. For another 30 seconds, we just stared at each other. Those words would have normally scared me. 'I'm not what you think i am'. Anyone in their right mind would be scared by that. But for some reason i wasn't.

With the hand that Namjoon didn't have ahold of, I reached over and set it atop his. I pulled his hand off my wrist and took it in my own. He was cold.

"Is that a scare tactic?" I smiled softly at him. "Sorry, but I think I'm a little bit harder to frighten away now."

He didn't respond nor smile at me like i thought he would. Instead, he simply sighed and shifted his gaze from my eyes to our hands. He did the same as I, setting his free hand atop our already grasped handhold. And again, we stood there in silence.

"It was a warning, Y/n," He looked sad.

"And what do you need to warn me about?" I scoffed. "You're just you, Namjoon. You're you. And I know you."

"You really think I'm normal?"

I froze then. I didn't think he was normal. Just the night before I was convinced he wasn't human. I knew he and his family weren't normal. So how do I respond to him here? Do I lie? Or am I honest with him?

"No, Namjoon. I don't think you are. But I want to trust you. I want to trust that you know what's best for me when it comes to your secrets. I want to trust that you'll do what will keep me safe. And I can see that that is what you've been trying to do," I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for overreacting when I knew you were keeping me in the dark for a reason. I'm sorry for being selfish."

I looked up into Namjoon's eyes again after having looked away. They were turned up with a smile on his lips. He let out a chuckle before he leaned forward just slightly, setting his forehead against mine.

"Don't apologize. If anything, I should be apologizing. You don't even realize how much it hurts for me to keep secrets from you," His smile faded as he continued to speak. "Will you really be okay with being kept on the dark like this?"

"It'll suck at times," I said slowly. "But I understand. And I'll learn to accept it in time."

Finally, Namjoon stepped away and pulled his hands from mine. He bowed at a full 90° angle in front of me. My eyes widened with surprise as he did so. I instinctively glanced around, praying that no one was watching this happen.

"Please forgive me," He nearly shouted. I hurriedly hushed him. "And, Y/n, please let me take care of you."

My heart skipped a beat when he said this. What did that even mean?

"Kinda sounds like you're declaring your love for me, Joonie," I said sarcastically.

Namjoon stood up straight in an instant, his face burning crimson. Then, he started forward towards his apartment once again. It was a silent walk the rest of the way.

May 30, 2037
11:23 P.M.

"I think that's everything," I said, dragging in my last box of belongings.

We had cleaned the spare bedroom, gone to my dorm, packed and transported my stuff, and brought it all back to Namjoon's apartment in just a few hours. We had yet to start unpacking, but I had started to feel pretty drowsy.

"You look tired," Namjoon said quietly. "Will you be okay long enough for me to get your bed made?"

I nodded at him and dug through my clothing box to find some pajamas. I went to the bathroom and changed, brush my teeth, and washed my face. When I returned, Namjoon had disappeared.

"Y/n!" He called from another room. "Come in here."

I followed his voice and ended up in his bedroom. He had a decent sized bed that sat in the middle of his floor. Along his walls stood two bookcases, filled to the top with thick books. On the top of the cases stood lots of doll figurines. Other than that, his room was relatively empty.

"I like your room," I said with a laugh.

"Come sit," Namjoon patted the empty space beside him on the bed. I did as he said and sat next to him. His bed was soft. He grabbed a book from off his case and handed it to me. It looked like poetry. "Read this. It's got a lot of poems about astronomy. Our professor recommended it to me."

"What are you going to do?"

"Im going to read these," He held up the instruction manual that explained how to put my bed together. "I'll try to have it figured out quickly."

"Take your time, I'm not tired at all," I lied.

We both sat back and began reading our respectful literature. I glanced over at Namjoon every now and then to find him taking notes, underlining, and circling parts in the manual. It made me smile.

The more i read the poems he had given me, the more tired I felt. It was a very intriguing book, but i was running off of only a few hours of sleep over two days. My eyelids felt heavier and heavier until finally i let them close.

May 31st, 2037
10:42 A.M.

I was warm. No, not me. Something else was warm as I slowly opened my eyes. I realized I had fallen asleep and it was morning now.

As I focused my view on my surroundings, I realized I wasn't in my room. I also realized that I wasn't the only one who had fallen asleep either. My heart skipped a beat then began racing as I became fully aware of Namjoon and I's intertwined bodies.

Namjoon's head was resting on mine. His chest was acting as my pillow. My leg had wrapped around his and I was engulfed in his arms. It took everything in me not to frantically remove myself from next to him and get out of his bed.

However, he was sleeping. I didn't want to wake him. His breathing was steady and from where my head was resting i could just barely hear his heartbeat.

He was warm.

Instead of waking him, I sat there in silence. I could feel my cheeks burning in embarrassment and, contrary to Namjoon's, my breathing and heartbeat were going crazy. Being this close to him simply reminded me how good looking he was. I knew that my heart was racing because it was trying to tell me that there was a very handsome and kind man holding me in his arms.

Suddenly, Namjoon shifted just slightly. His embrace got just a sliver tighter around me as well. I couldn't move, not that i necessarily wanted to. At least, not until he spoke. His voice was deep and raspy.

"Y/n, I like you."

1190 words


Hi everyone! I'm so so so so so SO sorry for the lack of updates. If I'm honest, I didnt have the mental stability to do much of anything these past few months. But i was rereading this story and reading your guy's comments and it gave me the energy to write again. Thank you guys so much for your support and patience with me. I really want to start updating more and I think i will be able to. You guys seriously inspire me more than you could ever know!
Im sorry that this chapter is kind of bad. I haven't written in quite a while. (Youd think id have time with the covid19 quarantine but alas im an essential worker). Please remain patient with me for a while as I try to dive back into writing and updating for you guys! I love you all so very much.
Thank you for reading.

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