Chapter 3

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It was the day after your graduation.
Tommorow you and Mark went to LA. For the most part, you had already packed. You just had to pack a few more things, and you would be ready to go.

You went to your room to get your stuff together.

After you packed up your things,
You sat down on your bed, and stared at the picture on your nightstand. Dad. You missed him.
You took the picture of him and gently set in the front pocket of one of your suitcases.

Since you had nothing else to do, you pulled out your phone and started going through twitter. You found that Mark had tweeted out a picture of you at your graduation, captioned "Couldn't be more proud of my little sister"

So sweet. You kept scrolling and found one of Jacksepticeye's tweets saying: "Congrats to @(twitter name)
For graduating! :D"

Wow. So Jack does know I exist, you think to yourself.

You replied to his tweet saying: "Thanks :)"

Seeing him acknowledge you made you start to fangirl a bit. You didn't start crying or anything though, You weren't that way.

A couple hours later, you hear a knock on your door.

"Come in!"
You say.

Mark opened the door slightly and popped his head in.

"Hey" he said, smiling.

"Hey you goofy goober, What's up?" You reply.

"Come on, (Y/N). Hop in the car, We are going somewhere." Mark said cheerfully.

You found his giddy adittude quite amusing. You were also pretty confused.

"What? Where are we going?" You asked.

He just smiled and shrugged. What had gotten into him? Why was he this happy?

"I think you are hiding something." You told him, suspicious.

"Pfft. Whaaat? No." He said, not very convincingly.

"What is it? What are you hiding?" You asked.

Again, he just shrugged and smiled.
He grabbed your hand and started walking to the car.

"Excited much? What's going on?" You were confused.
Mom was already in the car waiting, so you and Mark got in. She started driving away.

"Mark, tell me where we're going."

He responded with: "It's a surprise!"

Why wouldn't he tell you?
You looked out the window, and then at mom. You decided to ask her, but she wouldn't tell you either.

"(Y/N), do you trust me? Mark asked.


"Put on this blindfold."

"What? Why?"

"Just trust me."

You took the blindfold from Mark and put in on.

"You better not do anything to me" You said, jokingly. You really did trust Mark.

You felt the car come to a stop. Mark helped you out of the car and led you somewhere. You didn't know where you were, obviously, you were blindfolded.

"Can I take it off now?" You asked.

"Go ahead."

You take the blindfold off, and see a beautiful landscape. It was a field of flowers, by a lake. You looked down to see a little picnic, all set up.

"Aww, you guys, you did this all for me?" You were awed.

You looked at Mom and Mark, they looked back at you, smiling.

You three sat down on the picnic blanket, and started eating some sandwiches mom had made.

Mark pulled out a basket of delicious looking fruits. Mmm, you could see your favorite.

After some sandwiches and fruit, You felt something wet hit your forehead. Then another. Then another.

You stood up really fast and shouted:
It was too late.
The rain started pouring down as the three of you scrambled to get the picnic things.

You ran as fast as you could to the car.
You threw the wet picnic supplies in the trunk, and got inside the car.

You three looked at eachother, all sopping wet, and just started laughing.

Mom started driving back to the house.

Mark spoke up.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry that the rain ruined our picnic"

You just smiled and said,

"It didn't ruin it. If anything, it made it better. Look at us, It's hilarious!"

"I'm just glad that you're happy." Mark grinned.

"You two are crazy" Mom laughed as she drove home.

Sorry that this chapter was bad, I was writing it really late at night. :P

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