Chapter 11

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Beep. Beep. Beep.
You heard a faint beeping noise that you couldn't identify. You didn't know what it was, but you didn't really care.
Your eyes were closed, and you were comfortable. You didn't feel like opening your eyes.

Where were you? The air smelled sharp, like.. hand sanitizer. You weren't comfortable anymore. You tried to move and.. Ow. Your head.

Your head was spinning, and it hurt. Bad. You attempted to open your eyes. It felt like your eyelids weighed a million pounds.

You opened your eyes to find yourself in a strange room. A hospital room? Why were you in a hospital? You shifted your eyes to see Mark sitting on a chair, with his head in his hands.

"M.." You whimpered. You couldn't even manage to talk.

Mark quickly looked up at you. You noticed that his eyes were red and puffy, and his face was streaked with tears. He had dark circles under his eyes, and it looked like he hadn't gotten much sleep.

"(Y/N)?" Mark said, his voice breaking.

He ran over to you as fast as he could, and gently placed his arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace.

"Mark.." you whispered.
You didn't understand what was happening.

"Mark, what happened.. why.. why am I here.." Your voice shook as you talked.

Mark gently let you go and looked at you with a sad expression on his face.

"You.. You fell and hit your head. You were in a coma all of yesterday and last night.. The doctors didn't know when you were going to wake up.." A tear fell down Mark's face as he continued;

"They didnt know If you were going to wake up.."

You tried to utter words of reassurance, saying it was going to be okay, that you are here now, but you couldn't convince any words to come out. You tried to nod, but your head hurt so bad. You winced in pain.

Just then the doctor came in.
"She's awake?" The doctor asked in surprise. Mark nodded.

The doctor ran out of the room. He came back a few seconds later with two more doctors.

The first doctor turned to Mark.
"We are going to have to run a few tests on Miss (Y/N)."

You looked at Mark, unsure. He took your hand and quietly reassured you.

"I'm going to stay with you. Its going to be okay." He said, softly.

As one of the doctors stepped up to give you your pain medication, Mark pulled out his phone. He went into the group chat.

Mark: (Y/N) Is awake. Doctors are running tests right now

Amy: She's awake? We are heading there now.

Ethan: Is she okay? I really hope she's okay

Mark turned off his phone and sat there, waiting anxiously and watching You take your medicine.

You cringed as the doctors poked and prodded you. You hated needles. How did you get into this mess anyways? You fell and hit your head, but how? What were you doing? You tried to think, but your mind felt blurry.

You looked at Mark. "How did I fall?"

He sat in his chair, staring at the floor.

"Mark?" You called out, a bit louder.
His gaze shifted quickly up to you.

"Oh, sorry, did you say something?"

"How did I hit my head?" You repeat.

"Um.. I think you were standing on a chair and lost your balance. You
must've been trying to reach something. I think Amy said were making sandwiches or something." Mark told you.

The thoughts started flooding back to you. You remember standing atop a chair to reach the bread on top of the fridge. You had took a break from the stream to get some sandwiches for Amy and yourself- wait. The stream.
Did they have to stop it to take you to the hospital?

"Mark," you said quietly. "Did you stop the livestream?"

He hesitated, and then a knock came from the door. Before Mark could say anything, he rushed to the door and opened it.

Amy walked in, followed by Jack, Tyler, Kathryn, and a very worried looking Ethan. You couldn't see them, because the doctors were surrounding you. The doctors glanced at them, and one of them who was slightly shorter than all the others said,

"If you folks could kindly wait outside the door until we are done, It will only take a minute."

"Okay," Amy said, and followed the group outside the room. You heard the door close, and one of the doctors placed a stethoscope under your hospital gown- which you just now realized you were wearing- And you could feel the cold metal against your skin, sending chills through your body.

After a few more minutes of the doctors "torturing" you, they left the room, and the group came back in.

A weak "Hi" was all you said at first, then you looked some more at the group. "Where are Bob and Wade?" You asked.

"They left today to go back to Ohio" Mark explained.


Ethan was the first one to come up to your bedside.

"Hey," he said softly, "How are you?"

"I've been better," you said.

He looked concerned.

"I'll be okay though." You reassured him. He relaxed a little bit.

Everyone else gathered around you.
You looked up at Amy.

"Amy," you said, weakly, "I'm sorry i didn't ever get you your sandwich."

She laughed quietly. "That's the least of my worries right now."

You gave a faint smile. Jack came up beside you, and gave you a gentle hug. The hug felt nice. It was warm.

"I hope you feel better (Y/N)." He whispered.

You gave him a faint smile. You talked with everyone, Well, they talked to you. They weren't asking a billion questions, which you appreciated.

Suddenly the door opened. A doctor came into the room, with a troubled look on his face. He walked over to Mark and put his hand Mark's shoulder.

"Mr. Fishbach, i need to speak with you about the test results of Miss (Y/N)."

The doctor made eye contact with you. You could tell in his eyes that something was wrong. He looked away, motioning Mark towards the door. Mark hurried after him.
The door shut, and everyone was silent. Everyone knew it but nobody wanted to say it. Something was wrong with you.

A/N) Hey everybody. Sorry for the late post, I was on vacation for my birthday, and I've been really busy. I auditioned for a play today, hope I get a part :P I'll hopefully know by Tuesday anyways.
Btw Thanks for reading. :)

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