Chapter 12

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The doctor pulled Mark away. You knew the doctor had bad news. Why couldn't he just tell you? The pain in your head started to make you feel nauseous.

"Ethan.." You mumbled.


You started to feel even more sick. There was a small trash can beside your bed, but you couldn't move without your head hurting.

"Ethan, the trash can.." You said.

"What?" Ethan said, confused.

"I'm gonna puke.." You lifted your hand and placed it over your mouth.

The sudden realization made Ethan spring up and grab the trash can, holding it under your chin.

Amy rushed over to you and pulled your hair out of your face, and held it back, While you vomited into the trash can.

It felt awful. You felt awful. After you finished throwing up, Kathryn got you a washcloth and wiped the puke off your face.

"All done?" Ethan asked, softly, before removing the trash can.

"Im so sorry guys," You said, hoarsely.

"Its okay, (Y/N). That's what friends are for, right?" Ethan said.

"I'm gonna throw up again because of how cliché that is." You joked.

"Wait seriously?" Ethan asked, picking up the trash can.

"She's kidding Ethan." Jack said, Then he looked at you with a slightly worried look. "Wait, You are kidding right?"

You smiled faintly. "Yeah, im just joking."

The tension in the room seemed to fade away as the mood was lightened.
You still physically felt awful, but at least you weren't sad.

"It's nice to see you happy, (Y/N)." Jack said.

"Well, Thanks to Someone, I've learned to try to keep a Positive mental attitude." You said.

"PMA!!" Jack said, rather loud.

Amy scolded him, telling him to keep it down because of You having a headache.

"Pma!" He whisper-shouted.

Then Mark came back into the room. Your smile faded when you saw the look on his face. Your fears had been confirmed, something was wrong.

Everyone kind of stared at Mark. He looked at you.

"Um.. (Y/N).. I have.. news," He stated. quietly. "You.. are going to have to have.. surgery." He said.

You froze at the word "Surgery". You didn't say anything, only stared at him. The silence was broken by Tyler.

"What for?" He asked.

"The X-ray they took when she was in a coma revealed that she cracked her skull, anda small piece of it is dangerously close to damaging her brain." He told Tyler.

You still didn't say anything, But million thoughts were running through your head.

"Am i going to die?" The words just came out without you even trying to say something.

Mark walked over to you, and held your hands in his. "No. You are strong, and you're so brave. If anyone can get through this, you can." The way he said it almost sounded like he was ordering you to live, but in a caring way.

A knock came from the door. A nurse poked her head in.

"I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over." She said.

"Sorry (Y/N), we have to leave." Tyler said.

Tyler, Amy, Kat, Ethan, and Jack all gave you hugs, and then they left.

It was just you and Mark now. It was getting dark outside, and You were growing tired.

"Mark?" You whispered.


"Can you sleep next to me?"

"Of course." Mark gently scooted you over, and layed down in the small hospital bed with you, and lightly placed his arm around you, pulling you into a gentle embrace.

"Mark i'm scared. I don't want to have surgery." You said.

"Shhh. It"s gonna be okay. You'll make it through this," He reassured you.

You fell asleep quickly that night. You woke up to find that Mark wasn't there. You tried to move but you couldn't. You were strapped down. All of the sudden you saw a doctor with a knife. You tried to scream but you couldn't even talk. The doctor came closer and.. "NOOO!" You screamed, opening your eyes. It was just a dream.

Mark was woken up and taken aback by your scream. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?" He asked.

You were breathing heavily.
"It was a nightmare.." you responded.

"Calm down.. its okay.." Mark tried to calm you down. You looked around, and it was light outside. It must be morning. A doctor opened the door, she had red hair in a messy bun and her glasses were askew.

"I heard a scream, is everything alright?" She asked, a bit panicked.

"It was just a dream," Mark explained.

She nodded. "Well, while I'm here, i may as well inform you that your surgery is at nine this morning Miss Fishbach, so I may as well start the prep."

You looked at Mark, scared.
"Its okay. You are so brave." He said.

Your hands started to tremble. "I, I'm not brave," You said with a shaky voice. Tears started to roll down your face.

Mark wiped your tears away, and held your face in his hands.
"Don't ever say that. You Are brave."

You nodded gently, and let the doctor roll your bed away, leaving behind the room, and Mark.

I am brave. You repeated to yourself, during the surgery preparation.

I am brave. You thought as they rolled you into the surgery room.

I am.. I am. You thought when they put you under anesthesia.

I am brave.

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