Chapter 7

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You woke up to the sound of Chica barking, followed by a loud "shhhh".
You rubbed your eyes sleepily, and sat up in bed. It was Thursday, the day before the livestream.

Bob and Wade were flying in from Cincinnati today.
You had met them once; they had both come over for Thanksgiving one year. Since that was a while ago, you wondered if they would still remember you.

You pushed the thoughts aside, and got up out of bed. You walked groggily to the kitchen to get some breakfast. You reached into the cabinet and picked out your favorite cereal, poured it into a bowl, and covered it with milk. As you sat down to eat it, Mark and Tyler walked into the kitchen.

"Look who's finally awake!" Mark announced.

"Mhmm.." You mumbled with a mouth full of cereal.

"So (Y/N)," Tyler spoke up. "I'm going to pick up Bob and Wade soon. Do you want to come with me?"

When he said that, you were eating on the last bite of your cereal, so in response you held up your hand as to say "hold on".

"Its okay if you dont want to. You don't have to come if you don't want to." Tyler stated.

You swallowed the bite.
"Sure, I'd love to come. I just have to do something about-" You pointed to your hair, then your pj's- "This mess."

Tyler smiled slightly. Mark tilted his head a little bit.

"Whaaat?" He joked. "You don't want to go out with a bed head and pajamas?"

You rolled your eyes and laughed, Then you went back into your bedroom and changed. You brushed your hair back, and put on a black beanie. You grabbed your phone off the nightstand, unplugged it, and put it into your pocket. You strolled back into the kitchen to find Tyler. He was still there, drinking coffee with Mark.

"You ready?" He asked.


"Great, let's hit the road."

You followed him outside, and walked up to the street. You forcefully smacked your hand onto the pavement. It didn't hurt that bad, but the look on Tyler's face was priceless.

"(Y/N)? Why did you do that?" Tyler asked, perplexed.

"Well you said let's hit the road, so I did!" You said, smugly.

Tyler's expression changed to an exasperated look. He sighed. "You are definitely related to Mark."

You laughed, and got into the Car.
"I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment."

"Both." Tyler said.

You two talked the rest of the way to the airport. Most of the conversations you were having were about Mark and the crazy and silly things he's done.

Once you arrived, you didn't even have to go inside the airport, because Bob and Wade's flight got in early and they were already standing outside waiting by the door. Tyler drove the car around and Bob and Wade got in the back.

"Hey guys!" Tyler said. "How was your flight?"

"It was okay." Wade replied. "The turbulence got really bad one time and Bob almost got sick, but other than that, It was good."

"(Y/N)?" Bob spoke up. You turned around to face him. "Wow, you're not a kid anymore. You've grown up!"

"Yep.." You responded.

"Wow Bob. You sound like a Mom. Of course she grew up! That's kinda what people do." Wade said, being sarcastic.

Bob smiled. "At least I acknowledged her existence," he said.

"Well I was going to, until you interrupted me by stating the inevitable and obvious," Wade bantered, playfully.

There was silence for a few moments, until nobody could keep a straight face anymore, and everyone broke out in laughter.

The drive home was a mess, mainly jokes about Bob being the "Mom friend", the mature one.

After the long car ride, you finally got
back to Mark's place. Everyone walked inside, and you were greeted by a ecstatic Chica.

As you pet her, Mark came into the room welcomed Bob and Wade.

"Hey guys! How you been?" Mark asked them.

"Good," Bob said, followed by a "Yeah same" from Wade.

"The rest of the crew will be here soon, But for now just make yourself at home." Mark said.

"Done," Wade said as he plopped onto the couch.

"You guys want something to drink?" Mark asked. They both said sure, so Mark turned to you, "(Y/N), could you get us some water bottles?"

"What's the magic word?" You teased.

"I'm Markiplier, i don't need a magic word. I am the magic."

"What's the magic word?" You repeated, louder.

Mark sighed. "Please."

"Thank you." You got four water bottles, and handed them to the guys.

"She's just gotta make life more difficult, doesn't she," Mark mumbled under his breath, just loud enough to where he knew you could hear him.

You pushed him, playfully. He smirked. You sat down on the couch, next to him, And took a sip of your water.
Mid sip, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and that made you jump. You spit your water out, all over Mark, and turned around to see Ethan laughing his head off.

"(Y/N)!!" Mark exclaimed.
You looked at Mark, who was all covered in your spit water, and you couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"Don't blame me!" You said. "Ethan scared me half to death!"

"ETHAN!!" Mark yelled.
Bob and Wade were now also laughing.

You could tell that even though Mark got spat on, he thought it was funny too, and was trying to suppress a smile. That seemed to make everything funnier.

Your laugh quickly turned into a cough, because whatever leftover water you had in your mouth had gone down the wrong pipe.

Ethan, through giggles, asked if you were okay. You tried to reply, but just kept coughing and laughing. Ethan, also laughing, was patting your back.

Then Tyler, Amy and Katherine walked in to the sight of Bob and Wade practically dying on the couch, Mark all wet trying not to smile, and you on the floor having a coughing fit while Ethan laughs and pats your back.

"Did we miss something?" Tyler asks.
Amy and Kat just stood there looking confused.

Mark explained to them what happned, and You finally stopped coughing. You picked up your water bottle to take a sip and Ethan makes eye contact with Mark.

Mark glares at Ethan and says,
"Ethan if you make her spit on me again, I SWEAR.."

Ethan simply laughs it off. You take another sip of water, this time, uninterrupted.

Ok. Sorry i haven't really been writing, Ive been really busy. Ill try to at least write once a week.

(Yes is know, this chapter was boring and i'm sorry)
The next chapter is going to be about the livestream, and hopefully it will be better and more interesting than this one.

I've got a little bit of writers block :/ If you have any suggestions, feel free to say them.
Thats all for now, Thanks for sticking with me :)

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