Chapter 15

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Ethan stopped in the doorway. "GUYS GUYS!! I HAVE BIG NEWS!!" He yelled.

"Keep it down, Ethan. (Y/N) probably has a headache." Mark scolded.

"More like an earache.." You said.

Jack frowned. "Hey.. I'm supposed to be the loud one."

"Sorry," Ethan said quieter, "But I've got BIG news!"

"What is it then?" You asked.

"Wait for it.." He said.

Mark rolled his eyes.

Ethan still said nothing.


"After six years on Youtube, I've decided to do it full time!" Ethan said.

"Aww, Ethan, Thats great!" You said.

Jack gave Ethan a big smile. "Congrats!"

Mark motioned for Ethan to come to him. Ethan walked over there and Mark gave him a hug. "I'm proud of you Ethan. Even if this means you can't be my editor anymore, I still support you."

Ethan rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry about that, Mark."

"Its okay! I'm happy for you," Mark stated.

Ethan smiled one of those adorable Ethan smiles. You could tell he was excited.

Then he realized that you were laying in bed, and remembered that you had had surgery.

"Well, enough about me," he said,
"How are you doing, (Y/N)?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" You asked.

Ethan giggled. "Sorry. I only wanted to know how you were doing."

"Maybe i don't want to tell you how i'm doing." You joked, scrunching up your nose.

"Well then I guess I'm just going to have to assume that you're doing good so I don't have to tend to all your needs," Ethan retorted.

"Well what if I am doing good?"

"GOOD!" Ethan said.

You ruffled his hair, so It got all messed up and in his face.

"Hey!" He said, defensively.
Then he ruffled your hair up too.
"Take that!" Ethan said.

"Well my hair was messy in the first place so HA!" You nagged playfully.

"You guys are such six year olds." Mark said.

"More like friendship goals!" Jack said, clapping.

Mark picked up a pillow off your bed and threw it at Jack.

"HEY!" Jack shouted. "What was that for?!"

"I wanted to throw a pillow at you. Why else would i have done that?" Mark said.

Jack grabbed the pillow and walked over to Mark, hitting him multiple times with the pillow.

Mark grabbed another pillow off your bed and fought back.
"THIS MEANS WAR, JACK!" Mark yelled.
Jack smiled and yelled, "PILLOWFIGHT!"

You laughed as you watched the two grown men hitting eachother with pillows.

Mark took a big swing with the pillow and hit Jack's legs, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. Mark quickly seized the opportunity and sat on Jack's back, pinning him to the ground.

"Hah! Victory," Mark exclaimed.

Jack groaned. Mark got off of him, and making sure he wasn't hurt he asked, "You okay Jack?"


No response.

Mark started to panic. Jack's eyes were closed. He felt his wrist to check for a pulse. He found one.. He shook Jack.

"Jack? Wake up.. please.."

Jack then opened his eyes and sat up. He laughed.
"I really scared you, didn't I?"

Mark cursed Jack under his breath.

"Well, it doesnt matter. I still won." Mark said, crossing his arms.

"With the reaction I got out of you, i'm pretty sure its clear who the winner is." Jack laughed, and winked at you.

You smiled.


"Who's the six year old now?" You smirked at Mark.

Mark rolled his eyes, and let out a small smile, seeing that you were entertained by him.

Then you felt dizzy again. "Mark.." you said, putting a hand on your forehead. Ethan held your other hand for support.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked, concerned.

"Its time for her to take her medicine again," Mark said, looking at his watch.

You cringed as Mark picked up a bottle of clear-ish red liquid.

"Its supposed to taste like cherries,"
Mark said.

He poured 20 ml into a medicine cup,  and you drank it all, and made a face.

It did NOT taste like cherries. It tasted like death and the tears of small children.

"How does it taste?" Jack asked you.

You almost gagged, and replied,

"Lovely. Absolutely wonderful."

Everyone laughed at your sarcasm, because your face told a different story.

Then you heard a knock on the door.
"Come in," You said, coughing because of the awful taste.

The person who was at the door was not at all someone who you were expecting to see.

"..MARK?" You said, demanding an explanation. "Why didnt you tell me?"

Mark looked surprised. He raised his hands up in defense. "I swear i didn't know he was coming. I'm just as shocked as you are!"

The swedish man at the door stood there.

A/N Once again, Thanks for reading. Also I would like to mention, As you probably noticed, at the beginning of the story, Ethan says he is going full time on YouTube. Thats based on real events! He recently announced that he is going to be doing YouTube full time and i'm really proud of him and how far he has come <3

Stay cranky, love you all, bye! :P

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