Chapter 28

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You were in a small room. It was all white. Just four walls, a ceiling and a floor. You didn't know how you got there, nor how to get out. You pounded on the walls, begging to be let out.

"Darling.. There is no escape."

An all too familiar voice came from behind you. You slowly turned around to face Darkiplier.

"I killed you!" You shouted.

Dark laughed. "I can never really die. One day, I'll be strong enough to come back. Strong enough that no matter how hard you try, Mark will never come back.."

You covered your ears. "STOP!" You yelled.


You fell down to the ground, hands over your ears. All of the sudden, Mark, slumped over and dead, appeared right in front of you.

You sat up in your bed and screamed. You were breathing heavily. Mark came running through the door, with sleepy eyes and messed up hair.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" He asks.

"I- I'm fine," You say shakily.

He sits down on the edge of your bed, next to you.

"Another nightmare?" He asks softly.

You nod your head. Ever since the thing with Dark, which happened three days ago, You've had recurring nightmares. They usually involved Dark.

Mark saw how terrified the nightmares made you. He hugged you and kissed the top of your head.

"It's going to be okay. It was just a dream." He says gently.

You're comforted. "Mark? Can you sleep in my room tonight?" You ask.

"If it makes you feel better, of course."

With that, Mark curled up at the foot of your bed, and you fell back to sleep peacefully. Let's just say you didn't have any more nightmares that night.

When you woke up in the morning, You tried to get out of bed, but you couldn't move your legs. You looked down to see Mark laying halfway on your legs. He had his arm over his face, and he was snoring lightly. You smiled, and pulled your legs out from underneath him.

You walked quietly out of the room. As you walked to the bathroom, you heard a strange noise coming from the kitchen. You went to go investigate.

You peeked your head in the Kitchen to find Ethan wiping up something off the floor.

"Hey," You said.

Ethan turned around, startled. "Oh, um, Hi (Y/n)."

"What are you doing?" You cross your arms and lean against the doorway.

"Well.." Ethan scratches the back of his head. "Remember that time you made pancakes for Me and Mark?"


"Well.. I wanted to return the favor and do the same for you."

"Aww, That's sweet Ethan." You say.

"Well.. the problem is.. I'm not very good at cooking in the first place, And then I accidentally knocked over the bowl of batter." He motions to the floor, which is still partially covered in pancake batter.

You laugh. "It's the thought that counts."

Ethan smiles.

"Need some help cleaning up?" You ask.

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