1: Reunited...

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Authors Note:

Written and edited by: angel_alissia and brittybear1550

This is the first story for both of us and we very excited to be publishing it. I hope the writting style appeals to many, and that you overall enjoy it. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions we are definetly open to everything (except hate). Thank you for reading it.......so enjoy ;)

Chapter 1: Reunited

It was 12:00 am, my family decided to book me into a nursing home and it just so happens on my very first night I couldn’t sleep. While gazing at me ceiling, I began to think, to wonder if my life would have been different if I hadn’t had that awful stroke. Would I be peacefully sleeping in my warm cosy double bed, in my warm cosy room and in my warm cosy cottage? Or would they have gotten me into here anyway. I decided to go for a walk, to get away from my dull and very old room.

It was now 1:00 am and I was beginning to tire. I went back to my room the long way around and had a good look at my new home, still not convinced if I liked it or not. The windows were small and the hospital wing was even bigger than the kitchen. I was a 60 year old how was I supposed to live in a place where I was sure to die of boredom, sooner or later.

I woke up at 8:30 the next morning and realised I dozed off when I got back to my room. I decided to go to the kitchen area and see if I could make some friends who would keep me company on my late night walks. Little did I know I would find an old friend? As I walked into the room the nurses came up and helped me to my seat. My walker was getting old and so was I but I liked to think I was still going strong.

I sat down having little known knowledge that the woman sitting next to me was an old high school friend. She too looked as if she was in her 60’s, with silver hair sitting in an elegant bun on the top of her head. She also had these warm brown eyes, they looked as if they had seen some terrible things but also made her look kind. We started a conversation we the usual introductions

“Hello I’m Alissia; it’s a pleasure to meet a new comer, what is your name?”

I answered with a smile and said “My name is Brittany”.

She looked at me with a puzzled expression, I felt like she was trying to recognise something about me. I just brushed it off and smiled saying, “I had a friend in high school called Alissia, what a coincidence”.  

She was even more puzzled now, questioning me in what high school I went to

“Did you by any chance go to St Mary’s college”. I was now the one who was puzzled how did she know, of all people. I told her yes and that’s when it hit me she was Alissia, we began chatting more and more and found we had met in high school and were the best of. Than started the difficult conversations. “I thought after that awful camp you were dead. I mourned for over a year, not being able to forgive myself.” In a period of both our lives an event came up where we attempted escape a specialised camp. But we were captured and I thought she was killed on the way back to camp. She answered with a sad expression, “everyone did I went into hiding and the only person who knew was Noah I didn’t want to leave you”. I was now extremely confused; I desperately wanted to know what happened to her but the day had come to an end already and we had to go to bed.

But that night it was easier for me to sleep, I knew my best friend was alive and we were both safe. Before I went to sleep I ran our conversation through my head and smiled. We spoke of our marriages and children, we ended our conversation on the faithful day she went into hiding and that was it. I couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow and find out what had happened to her in the many years we had spent apart.

 During the night I was peacefully asleep until the dreadful nightmare started, I had been having it for years, ever since the camp.

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