Chapter 17

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Mom's been home lately and she was wondering what happened at school. Of course I lied and told her it wasn't at school. I said I was playing soccer with Eric and the ball hit me in the face. It sounds dumb, I know. I just really don't care anymore.

Like I'm not living or something. Oh boy, would I like to be gone. Gone away from Erica, gone away from Jaden. I wish he could die. I wish I didn't see him ever again. I wish he'd never see me again. But there's only one way to make that possible. And Jaden wants it. I want it.

I feel like me and Noah developed a relationship, but then I smashed it and it came tumbling to the ground. Just like Noah when Jaden kicked him.

I feel like I still have feelings for Noah, even if Jaden is between us. He needs to get the hell out of my business. Out of other people's business. He needs to grow up.

He's only mean because he's not grateful for what he has. He's not grateful for being the captain of the football team. He's not grateful for having friends, that are a pain in the ass. He wasn't grateful when I
started dating him and I'm glad we broke up and I started seeing Noah. Jaden is so immature. He really needs to change, and quickly.
Sorry for the short chapter. I've been busy with my sisters. The end is near. Beware! Warning: only 2 chapters left.

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