[3rd; but for you i'm fine]

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Jimin woke up the next morning with his head throbbing, he groaned as he tried to stand up, as he leaned by his night stand for support.

"Good morning Jiminnie!" Hoseok stormed into their room, his usual sunshine self showing, with a big smile plastered on his face, although it faltered when he saw Jimin's state.

"Morning, hyung." Jimin grimaced as he spoke, his voice sounds tired and he sure as hell is. Hoseok looked at him weirdly from the door way,

"Yah, jiminnie, you don't look good," Hoseok said as he walked towards Jimin and leaned his forehead against his, "YAH! Jimin, you have a fucking fever!" Hoseok shouted right into Jimin's ear,

Jimin flinched, he knows that he's not feeling good but he can't afford to miss their schedules today, the concert is tomorrow and he can't afford to miss stage rehearsals, he mist always show his best when performing, he loves the entire audience, every supporter, he cannot simply disappoint.

Yes, he will perform the same routine a dozen more times in different places, but some fans can only attend a concert ones, he has to do his best in every single concert.

Even if it hurts and exhausts him to the bone.

"I'm fine hyung, i just didn't get enough sleep, that's all. I'll be fine." Jimin lied, although the only thing he really wants to do right now is to sleep.

Hoseok looked at him worriedly, seeing right through his facade, "Park Jimin, you aren't fooling me, one look at you and I can tell you are sick! you'll stay here at home all morning, i'll go tell Jin-hyung and Namjoon that you'll be coming to the rehearsals late. Get some sleep, i'll get you some breakfast,"

Jimin is about to argue but he shut his mouth up when Hoseok glared at him,

A few minutes later and Hoseok is already back, with a tray filled with a bunch of fruits, some soup, orange juice and some oats, Jimin can feel his stomach churning at the sight of food, but when the smell of  it hits his nostrils he suddenly feels nauseous.

"Don't give me that face, Jimin. I'm not leaving until you finish at least half of that. Please, you need to eat," Hoseok gave him a small smile and offered him a strawberry, "Say ahh~" Hoseok said as he placed the strawberry near Jimin's lips, and Jimin can't help the giggle that escape as he opened his mouth, he is grateful for Hoseok,

He smiled sweetly, "Thank you, hyung."

"Ah, Jiminnie~ rest and get well soon okay? You kno--"

Hoseok's sentence (although Jimin knows that Hoseok will just scold him and remind him again and again) was interrupted by the loud opening of the door, and there stood by the door is none other than Jeon Jungkook.

"Yah! Hoseok-hyung? Jin-hyung is livid he wants everyone to get ready by twenty, we're living in half an hour. Get your ass down there else he'll not feed us dinner again." Jungkook said,

"Fine! I'm ready, chill, maknae." Hoseok said as he stood up, "I'm gonna go and get my things, Jungkook, tell Jin-hyung that Jimin won't be practicing and joining the rehearsals today..." Hoseok explained,

Jungkook looked at Jimin wide-eyed, "You're not rehearsing, hyung? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice and for a moment Jimin hopes that Jungkook wants to be with him,

"I was hoping we'd get to dance that song you've been requesting, hyung!" Jungkook said, while looking at Jimin sadly,

"Jungkook, Jimin can't practice he's sick an--"
Hoseok scolded but Jimin interrupted him again,

"NO! No, hyung i'm fine. I can manage, besides, Jungkookie wants to spend time with me! Isn't that new? Am I finally your favorite hyung Kookie?" Jimin joked, although the nicknames and endearment tasted bitter in his mouth, he smiled at Jungkook, although he really wants to close his eyes and sleep,

Hoseok is about to scold Jimin again and stop him from rehearsing because honestly Park Jimin you look fatigued and sick, you are burning a fucking fever but when he looked at Jimin, the younger is looking at him silently pleading to let him spend time with Jungkook.

Hoseok sighed, park jimin is fucking stupid.

Stupidly inlove.
Stupidly hurting.

"You wish!" Jungkook said as he ran out of the room and raced down the stairs, "see you in the van Jimin-hyung!"

Jimin chuckled at Jungkook's cuteness.

Suddenly he feels fine.

Or that's what he keeps saying.

Because deep inside he's slowly breaking,

"You love him don't you?" Hoseok asked, looking at Jimin with pity,

Jimin just smiled sadly, "too much hyung. Too much."


[fillers. Im slowly progressing to the plot. Next update will be an emotional roller coaster. Buckle up.]

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