[7th; i'll just stay beside you]

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Do you know that feeling when you have that favorite shirt, but you grew out of it and it doesn't fit you anymore and your mom insist you give it to a younger brother?

That feeling when you really want it but you know that you just can't have it anymore.

That's what i'm feeling right now.

I feel shitty.

"Hey, Jk and Jimin, you guys we're paired up for the photoshoot." Namjoon-hyung said as he finished his own photoshoot, I felt happy, and I expected Jimin to be joyfully jumping around and clinging on me, giggling because 'kookieeee we get to take a picture togetherrrr!' But right now Jimin didn't even smiled,

Usually in photoshoots, there should be this sunshine hyung that's clinging on me right now,

Not that I miss him. I'm just used to Jimin I guess...

"Nah, talked to the organizer. Min and I will be paired up. Hope, Jungkook and Taehyung will be that one to shoot together." Yoongi-hyung said, grinning ear to ear while plopping down next to Jimin.

My heart clenched.

Yoongi and Jimin looks cute together.

But fuck it we look even cuter together.

What the fuck am I thinking?

"You okay?" I hear Yoongi ask Jimin,

"Yeah hyung." Jimin said as he smiled...

Yoongi seemed to buy it because he smiled back,

But I knew it was a lie.



I'm done with the photoshoot with Suga-hyung.

All of the members are in the lounge, waiting for the crew to set-up the venue for the group photoshoot,

Jin and Namjoon-hyung are chilling on the sofa, while Tae and J-hope are both playing a game, Jungkook is watching something from his phone, while Yoongi, somehow, he feels bubblier than ever.

Usually he'd be complaining right now and whining that he wants to go home but right now it's like he's not even tired,

"Hey min! Let's take a selca!" Yoongi said,

"Huh, finally decided to update your fans, hyung? They keep complaining you don't feed them enough." Jin-hyung said from the corner, lounging on the sofa with Namjoon-hyung they're also done shooting.

"Ah, i was busy you know." Yoongi said as he put an arm around me and pulled me closer,

I smiled.

"Aw, you two look cute together!" Namjoon commented as he smiled, cooing at us.

"I know right" Yoongi said and I just kept smiling,

"Looks like the fans will be having more YoonMin again." Namjoon said which made me go red,

Shipping isn't new to us, of course we know about it.

Most people thinks what I do to Jungkook is for fanservice...

They're wrong though,

I'm the same to him on and off cam...

I shook my head, I can't keep thinking about him.

Namjoon kept teasing us, saying how he totally ships YoonMin

But then we heard a crash,

"Oh, sorry." Jungkook said sarcastically as he picked up the fallen chair, and sauntered furiously towards the coordi-noonas.

"Fucker." Yoongi mumbled under his breath, as continued to stare weirdly at Jungkook.

Is he okay?

Okay, what's going on?

30th [Jikook|Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now