[4th; i tell myself i can forget you]

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When Jimin reached the van, he was expecting that he'd get to sit with Jungkook.

And yes, he did. The hyungs were seated in front, Namjoon and Jin at the front, J-hope and Yoongi and their manager in the middle and the maknae line at the very back. Jimin sat beside Jungkook but Taehyung was on the other side of the maknae, suddenly Jimin feels like he doesn't belong there and he felt like a third-wheel to the two. He tried to talk to them and join in their conversation but his head is throbbing so hard and it's so painful.

Jungkook was too oblivious to notice this. Too caught up in whatever Taehyung and him are talking about.

"Yah, Jiminnie are you alright?" Yoongi's voice cut through the usual banter and noise through the van.

All members looked at Jimin worryingly, there must be something wrong if even Yoongi noticed and pointed it out.

Startled by the elder's voice, Jimin looked up, his eyes dazed and hard to focus,

"Y-yeah. I'm fine hyung." Jimin smiled, even though it doesn't quite reached his eyes. Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon and J-hope saw right through his lie.

"Jimin, i told you to just rest. You look worse than when you woke up." J-hope said worryingly,

"Yah! You we're sick?! Why'd you come then? You should've rest at the dorm!" Jin scolded, looking at Jimin with concern while Namjoon nodded his head too, "yeah, minnie, you don't look good."

It isn't a secret that the hyungs love Jimin. They are all protective of him since he's really fragile and gentle sometimes. Even with all the bad boy and sexy up front he puts up on stage, off cam he's really soft spoken and gentle.

The hyungs continued to scold Jimin, and he can't face them or look at them. He's secretly happy that they're concerned,
But when he looked up, he sees Jungkook just looking at him.

Jimin doesn't know what he's thinking right now, but he can't stand Jungkook's piercing gaze, he felt like he accidentally pissed off the maknae,

"Chimchim, if you're sick, drink some meds." Taehyung said gently, concerned to his best friend,
"N-no, i-it's fine." Jimin continued to lie, he doesn't want to be a burden... It doesn't hurt that much, he can endure any headaches.

Although what Jungkook says next shatters his heart,

"Jimin, you probably should stay at the dorm else you might get everyone to catch your flu too. You might get Tae-hyung sick." Jungkook said so casually,

Jimin whimpered. And he can already feel tears threatening to fall,

It isn't because of the headache, nor the fever, nor the body pains, nor the lack of honorifics that hurts him and makes him cry...

It's the fact, that for four years and on, he still loves Jeon Jungkook, and all through those years, Jungkook just hurts him.

The reality that Jungkook will only see him as an annoying, clingy stalker hit him hard.

He sniffled, and tried to speak but before Jimin can talk, Yoongi spoke, "stop the car, hyung." Yoongi said to the driver.

"Taehyung, Jungkook, move your fucking asses and get here in front i'll stay with Jimin for the whole ride." Yoongi commanded through gritted teeth.

"But hyung I want t-to sit with Jimin!" Jungkook argued, and Jimin would be happy with this statement but he's hurt. Jungkook keeps sending him false hopes, only to shatter his heart later.

"Brat, Jimin is your hyung. And you said you don't want to get infected by his flu right? So get the fuck outta here." Yoongi spat while glaring at Jungkook,

Jimin can feel Jungkook tensing up, it's not always that Yoongi gets this irritated or mad,

"Fine." Jungkook slammed the door shut and transferred in front, grumbling.



I shot one last glare to the maknae before I settled beside Jimin,

Damn, he looks so beautiful

"Hey, minnie, we still have an hour before we get to the venue, think you can sleep?" I asked him gently, caressing his soft blomde hair.

"Mhm. Thanks hyung." He said sleepily and i badly want to kiss him right here.

I just smiled, and he started to lean his head on my shoulder as I wrapped an arm around him.

I stared ahead, and I came eye to eye contact with Jungkook glaring at us through the front mirror,

I glared back,

I'm tired watching Jimin chasing you around for years. I'm tired watching from the sidelines like I don't care. I'm fucking sick of seeing you taking him for granted.

Your time is up, Jeon.

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