[5th; but i really can't]

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"Break! 10 minutes everyone." The choreographer shouted.

We've been practicing for four hours now and it's been tough. The new routine is kinda hard but we can cope up.

All throughout the practice, though, my eyes were glued only to Jimin.

He's been breathing heavily even at the beginning of the practice.

I'm worried.

I grabbed one bottle of water and hurriedly jogged towards him,

"Hyung!" I said as I sat beside him, his lips looks pale and my worry only grew.

"Jungkook, why?" He said with a small smile. Even I can recognize it's fake.

I winced. What the fuck is Jungkook? He used to call me Kookie,

"Here." I gave him the bottle of water, "are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He shortly said. "Jungkook, why aren't you wearing the bracelet?" He asked.

I looked at him confused, "what bracelet?"

"Never mind." He said as he frowned. I tried to lighten his mood by asking,

"Hyung, what about that dance routine? Are you still up for it?" I asked hopefully, maybe I can get to spend more time with him.

"i--" he was about to answer but then Yoongi...hyung cut off.

"Jiminnie, come with me. I need to show you something." He said while glaring towards me.

I glared back. The fuck is his problem?!

"Okay, hyung." Jimin said as he took Yoongi's hand while walking away, not even bothering to say goodbye to me.


I felt my heart clench.

He should be there for me. Jimin is always there for me.

Jimin would always choose me.

Why the fuck is he with Yoongi though?! I'm here. Why go to him?!

Fuck it.

I sauntered off to find Taehyung.

If Jimin doesn't want me. Fine.


Jungkook approached me today. And he called me hyung.

I was supposed to be happy.

But he didn't even wore the bracelet I gave him.

What's worse is he didn't even remember.

"Hey, Min, look at this," Yoongi said as he showed me some of his new pictures.

Yoongi-hyung just dragged me into this secluded corner to show me random things in his phone. I'm happy though, it makes me forget Jungkook even for a bit.

Besides, Jungkook doesn't even want me. Why bother?

30th [Jikook|Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now