[14th; Even though it hurts]

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There are a lot of times when I'm just spacing out, staring off, imagining how different would it be if I was the one that Jimin liked.

If that was the case, then things would've been much easier.

There are also a lot of times I imagined how Jimin's lips would feel like.

But right now, as my lips are pressed against his, I figured no amount of imagines can surpass how reality feels like.

"Y-Yoongi hyung?" he broke off. Cheeks tinted red and staring at me wide eyed.

"Jimin-ah, I like you." I looked at his pretty eyes, still a bit red from crying,

He opened his mouth, then closed it again, as if at a loss for words.

"H-hyung, I-I'm sorry. You're a great guy but I-I... I really like Jungkook. I know I'm stupid for that but I don't think I can stop any time soon, hyung..." he sighed and looked at me apologetically. "...and this is all so sudden. I don't even know what you like about me, hyung. I am just Park Jimin... pathetic Park Jimin pining on a maybe straight guy who doesn't even like him as a friend much less as a lover." he smiled bitterly, spouting words rapidly.

"That's why I like you though. Because you're Park Jimin..." I smiled, "...Cute, precious, amazing, talented, beautiful Park Jimin. I don't care if you still like Jungkook. And I know i'll probably get hurt but I'd be willing to... for you, Jimin. And I know we're doing this backwards, but please I want to show you how much you're worth." I told him sincerely,

"H-Hyung," He's at a loss for words once again and before he could speak again, I cut him off

"I'm gonna kiss you again now Jimin-ah," I saw his eyes widen before I connected my lips to his once again, our lips merely touching. I didn't touch him anywhere, simply waiting if he would push me away, but to my surprise, his lips started moving.

I smiled against the kiss, and kissed him back.

I put my hand to his hip and the other to his nape, pulling him closer and my heart soared when he didn't push me away, and instead, he clung his hand on my shirt.

I pulled away.

"I want you to know that I like you Jimin," I kissed his forehead, "I like clumsy Jimin..." then his cheek, "I like sleepy Jiminnie," then his other cheek, "or bratty Jimin," then his nose, "I like every side and every part of you" I kissed his lips.

"Yoongi..." he whispered, and as I looked at him with his eyes half lidded, his hair a mess and his cheeks so red and him looking so flustered, I wondered if this is a dream.

I leaned in and kissed his lips, moving my hands to his back, moving it up and down, and stopped at his hips and squeezed. He gasped, and I licked inside his mouth, I smiled into the kiss uncontrollably; Jimin's chapstick tastes like strawberries.

I moved to his neck, kissing and suckling and his hands moved to my shoulders, pulling me closer,

"Y-Yoongi..." he whined as I abused a spot that is seemingly sensitive. I don't know if Park Jimin knows he's riling me up more by dropping the honorifics and calling me just by my name, but I am not complaining.

"You're so so precious Jimin." I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down, so he's lying down on the bed,

I crawled on top of him and lowered my head to whisper in his ear, "Is this okay?"

"Y-Yeah..." he answered breathlessly.

"Fuck. The things you do to me Jimin." We kissed again, exploring each other's mouth, with me on top of him, using my one of my hand as leverage. By the time we pulled apart, we're both out of breath.

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