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Truthfully I didn't really like who you were as a person at the beginning. thinking back I only got with you from the beginning to prove a point to my friend. My feelings towards you developed and I did like you a bit but a lot of the things you did threw me off so those small feelings I had shortly fell off. You made me talk to you 24/7 and it was as if texting you became an obligation. I didn't really value the time we shared together because time with you always felt restricted. And that's not what love is. Love isn't obligation and love isn't restricted. Love is open and love is free. I didn't feel that with you. I know you had those feelings for me back then and I hurt you when I told you I didn't feel the same. But I'm not going to apologize for wanting better for myself. I don't like relationships that are so deep we drown trying to make sense of it all.

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