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Five and a half years later:

"Let me through!" Nick snarled. "My daughter's are in there!" The fox slammed into Bogo, which was like hitting a brick wall.

"Compose yourself, Wilde!" He commanded. "You're not the only parent worried about their child!" The buffalo sucked in a deep breath before addressing the mass of frenzied parents that encroached on the barricade. "Everyone be quiet!"

The crowd hushed down.

"Officer's Wolfburg and Grubber will begin escorting your children out!" He roared. "I request that everyone remain quiet and collect your children in an orderly fashion!"

A deranged mammal had broken into the elementary school, and stole a child before escaping. Teachers were helpless to stop him, he moved faster than a cheetah. By the time the ZPD arrived, he was long gone. Parents stood behind the barricade, hoping against hope that their child wasn't the one taken.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rivers!" Bogo shouted as Wolfburg escorted three young beavers out of the school. The grateful parents collected their children before hurrying off.

Judy took Nick's paw in attempts to calm him down. Many parents were reunited with their children until only five sets of parents remained.

"Mr. and Mrs. Yun!" Bogo boomed as Grubber escorted a young panda out.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wilde!" He called out as Wolfburg brought out Everly.

Nick's eyes widened in horror. Where's Kimberly?! Where's my daughter?!

Everly ran straight to him, tears pooling in her ruby eyes. "Daddy! He took her! He took sissy and gave me this note!" She sobbed.

He snatched the note out of her paw. "No!" He growled, leaping over the barricade and into the school. His primitive instincts kicking in. He could feel the savage clawing to get out. He ran down the halls, yelling. "Kimberly Sue!"

He ran into class room after class room. "Kimberly! Daddy's here! Kimberly!"

Everly could hear her father's cries, it was heartbreaking. She flashbacked to an hour ago.

"Everyone lock your doors and take cover!" Principal Strutter's voice boomed through the school's speaker system. "There's a crazed mammal on the loose!"

Mrs. Friend ,an aging panther, Everly and Kimberly's teacher, locked her door and ordered her class to hunker down in the back of the room. But it all happened so quickly. The door was broken through with the force of a great stampede, it tore from its hinges and crashed to the ground.

As Kimberly ran to sit beside her sister, she was snatched up by the figure that moved faster than lightening. Everly locked eyes with the mysterious being. It had crazed amber eyes. The mysterious figure ran passed the huddling children, and threw a folded up note to the mortified white bunny.

"Give this to your parents." A gruff voice whispered to Everly before the being disappeared.

"Everly!" Kimberly screamed as she was taken away.

"Kimberly!" Nick cried. "Daddy's here!" He was in denial. He rushed to her classroom. The door lay rigidly on the floor.

The smell of musk and dirt marked the place, it was an all too familiar smell. No, he couldn't believe it. A phantom from his past had stolen his world.

Nick fell to his knees, covering his eyes with his paws. White hot tears flowed from his eyes. "Daddy's here, Kimberly!" He called out. "It's ok, daddy's here." He said to himself. Her smiling face played through his mind. A montage of memories flashed before him.

Her sweet voice echoed in the back of his head. "Daddy, your my hero!" "Just one more story, daddy!" "Sing me a song, daddy." "Dance with me, daddy." "Kiss me good night, daddy." "I love you, daddy!"

In her eyes, he was invisible. A hero. Not some untrustworthy fox. She was his redemption from a life of hate and prejudice. He loved Ash, Cole, and Everly as his own, but Kimberly was the bridge between him and Judy. Living proof of the impossible.

"Kimberly!" He screamed with all of his strength before collapsing on the floor and curling into a ball.

Judy picked the note up off the ground, Nick had dropped it when he jumped over the barricade. Tears fell from her eyes as she read the paper. The air was stolen from her lungs.

I told you I would return for my work.

-Jesse Dingohopper

I've completed my first fanfiction. Yay! Hope y'all enjoyed it. Sequel coming very soon.

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