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A sting in his head hurt and Taehyung was reminded again that he had a hangover. A small moment of rush with Jungkook made him ignore the pain for a while but now that he had nothing to do, it was more prominent than ever and was hurting badly.

"So I slept through the day, huh?"

Taehyung said as he walked to his kitchen to grab a few painkillers. Hoseok didn't follow him since he was busy playing with the bunny costume's tail so he replied from the bedroom.

"I guess. I mean you still haven't changed your clothes and one of your shoe is still on so I guess you did sleep that long."

Taehyung didn't reply as he downed the pills and returned to his bedroom to change.

"Hey Tae. Why is he sleeping in your bed, anyway? I put him in your closet."

Taehyung was rummaging through his clothes as he replied.

"He woke me up and slept there, instead."

Taehyung skipped the part about spanking, screaming and small interrogation that happened in between, making Hoseok confused.

"Wait. So, he pushed you off and slept? Just like that? No questions about who you are or why he's here or anything else?"

Taehyung only hummed since he was busy choosing his clothes and didn't hear what Hoseok had asked.

"Wah! I'm having a bad feeling about him now. What if he's a criminal? We might just end up dead in our sleep. I mean you might. He doesn't know me nor am I staying here."

Taehyung turned to give him a deadpan look at the stupid supposition and shook his head.

"He's not a criminal. He's just lazy and, by the looks of it, tired as fuck that he didn't bother to know where he is. He just wanted to sleep."

Hoseok 'oh-ed' at that but still eyed Jungkook weirdly. Meanwhile, Taehyung went to the bathroom and changed into his night PJs. When he came out, he scanned Jungkook one more time before turning his attention to his friend.

"How are we supposed to explain it to him when he wakes up?"

Hoseok thought for a moment as he played with the bunny tail before responding.

"I'm actually worried if he will ever wake up. I mean look at him. He looks dead."

Hoseok lifted Jungkook's arm and let it drop several times before looking up at Taehyung with a worried expression. Taehyung thought over it but didn't feel all that worried about it.

"He's not dead, Hobi. Let's just wake him up ourselves."

Taehyung moved up closer and shook Jungkook slightly.


Nothing happened so he shook him a little strongly but still no response came. Taehyung glanced at Hoseok who only shrugged at him so Taehyung decided to try the polite approach for a little more while and if it still didn't work he would do the same thing that Jungkook did with him to wake Taehyung up.

After a few minutes of failed attempts, Taehyung sighed and straightened up.

"He won't wake up like this. Yah! Help me with this. We'll sit him under the shower."

Taehyung guided as he lifted one of Jungkook's arm and put it over his shoulder while Hoseok still remained hesitant.

"Hey Tae, don't you think that would be a little to much for a stranger? What if he beats you up for doing that?"

Taehyung scoffed at that but let him drop on the bed, anyway.

"I'll give him one more chance. You try to wake him up and if he doesn't then I'll take him there myself."

Hoseok tried to wake Jungkook up feeling bad for him after knowing Taehyung's intentions but the sleeping guy showed no sign of waking up. Hoseok gave Taehyung a scared look when he failed and saw Taehyung picking up Jungkook's arm once again.

"Think about it one more time, Tae."

Taehyung didn't respond and heaved the guy up in one go. Hoseok sighed but gave in and helped Taehyung in taking Jungkook to his horrible fate. They sat him right under the shower and stepped back. Before Taehyung turned the water on he pondered.

"Should we strip him first? The costume looks too good to be spoiled like that."

Hoseok gave him an incredulous look but agreed.

"Yeah it is. But he will really kill you when he wakes up and finds himself naked."

Taehyung just shrugged and left him dressed up as he stepped back to open the hell on Jungkook. Water kept pouring on Jungkook but he didn't budge making Taehyung a little anxious.

"Um Hobi? Why isn't he waking up?"

Hoseok had his lip under his teeth at the same thought but was silent at the moment as he contemplated how to ditch Taehyung as soon as something goes wrong. After a minute or two, Jungkook twitched in his spot and slowly woke up.

"What the hell?"

The first words that came out of his mouth were a cue and the two boys standing there dashed out like a rocket slamming the door behind them.

Jungkook shook his head and stood up to turn off the shower. He looked down at his wet costume and then around him to find that he was in a bathroom.

"What the fuck just happened?"

Jungkook stepped out of his costume slowly as his mind was still groggy and half asleep. Nothing made sense at the moment but he wasn't really interested in knowing about it either. He just wanted to sleep.

After wrapping a towel around his wet body and not noticing that he wasn't in his own apartment, Jungkook stepped out of the bathroom and went towards the wardrobe. He opened the door slowly but was met with two scared pairs of eyes instead of clothes.

Time froze as Jungkook stared at them and they stared back at him in utter silence. Taehyung and Hoseok were waiting for Jungkook to become violent while Jungkook was trying to process why were there people instead of clothes in his wardrobe.

After a few seconds of staring Hoseok silently moved his hands and handed out one of Taehyung's night gown to Jungkook who looked at Hoseok's hand and then up at the two guys before taking it and closing the wardrobe silently. He put it on and went back to bed. Just like that.

When it was silent for more than a minute, Taehyung peeked out of the closet and saw Jungkook on bed, asleep again.

"He slept again."

Hoseok opened up the wardrobe completely to look as well.


Sure enough, Jungkook was lying on the bed again and fast asleep like nothing happened. Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other before looking back at Jungkook and Hoseok asked.

"What now?"

Taehyung pressed his lip in a thin line as he thought about it and quietly stepped out to stand straight.

"I guess we'll have to wait until he decides to wake up on his own."

Hoseok hummed in response since he couldn't think up of a better way and they both watched Jungkook sleep before Taehyung nudged Hoseok.

"I think I got a boner."

Hoseok slowly turned to look at Taehyung at the sudden out of the context statement to make sure he heard right.

"Come again?"

Taehyung looked down and Hoseok followed to see a tent in Taehyung's pants.

"Tae, what. The. Fuck, man? What could have possibly turned you on?"

Taehyung gulped and jerked his neck towards Jungkook.

"Did you see his body?"

Hoseok gave him a deadpan look before he replied.

"You're impossible."


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