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Taehyung reached Jungkook's place in no time and banged on the door without even trying to see if it's open or not. It hadn't even been five whole minutes since Taehyung had left, so Jungkook didn't expect him to be back, let alone so soon. So, when he heard the banging, Jungkook didn't know who to expect but one thing he sure as hell didn't expect was Taehyung, waiting for the door to open only to jump on him and saying whatever came to his mind whether it made sense or not.

For a second the brunette thought it wasn't Taehyung but the voice booming in his ears was definitely saying otherwise so he had to accept it. Once Taehyung stopped his gibberish he pulled back to look at Jungkook in the eyes with extreme innocence and- was that love?

"Tae Tae is sowwy, Jungkookie~"

Finally, the shocked guy was able to comprehend the words that left Taehyung's mouth since they were in a normal language this time, although baby language. But that didn't reduce his shock. It only increased it and he was more than sure now that Taehyung had mood swings. Because only a few minutes ago he was fuming at the brunette and now he was hugging Jungkook while talking childishly. Nothing made sense no matter how much Jungkook tried to reason with himself. Not Taehyung's constantly changing attitude, not his words, not Jungkook's own crazily beating heart and definitely not the urge he was feeling to slam the blonde against the wall and kiss him senseless because he made Jungkook worry for no reason at all.

Taehyung, however, couldn't read any of that since Jungkook was looking at him with a face devoid of expressions and the only thing that could be understood was the flaring glare that held a little too many emotions for Taehyung to catch up with. Being the simple head he was, Taehyung considered it anger for the sudden hug and he immediately felt embarrassed which was evident by the reddening of his cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry. I just.. I got played by chim and I, uh, I had to apologize and I was just in a hurry or, you know, I would've lost you. No-Not like that. I mean, as in, you might have left for something like work and, uh, and I *gulp* I co-"

Jungkook's finger that came to rest on Taehyung's lips silenced the rant and the two males stood in silence; one looking straight at the other's eyes while the other looking down at his feet, being at loss of words.

"You've got hell of mood swings, you know that right?"

Jungkook was supposed to sound annoyed and not sexily husky. However, Taehyung only gulped but stayed silent because he was feeling turned on so it seemed like a great idea to keep his mouth shut at the moment since showing his horny side in front of his crush who was looking super mad at him didn't seem like a very good move.

Jungkook was slightly taken aback by his own voice but seeing the other's pressed lips and lowered eyes he felt relieved that he didn't get caught. To go with the blonde's supposition, which was pretty obvious to Jungkook, the raven haired male released an irritated sigh and let his finger drop down painfully slowly, lingering on the blonde's lower lip for a little longer than necessary, the reason of it unknown to him as well- not really.

"Talk like a human being, okay?"

Taehyung simply nodded not minding the insult at the moment since getting Jungkook out of his grumpy mood was his aim right now and he wasn't going to let his ego get in the way. Hence, his silence. Jungkook raised an eyebrow at the immediate and silent obedience but the other couldn't see it since he was looking down. That didn't mean that the shockingly amused guy was able to let the thoughts die. The thoughts that revolved around the guy standing in front of him and his awkward changes in behavior for quite some time now.

"Do you have split personalities, Tae?"

Taehyung looked up and at Jungkook dumbly at the question that sounded pretty weird even to the one who asked it. It seemed normal in his mind but once it was voiced, Jungkook felt stupid to have asked it.

"Wha- split perso- NO! No no no no. I don't."

Jungkook nodded awkwardly to end it right there since dragging it with strange apologies was only going to lead to more awkwardness and so silence tried to reign again before Jungkook spoke up once more.

"Then, why have you been acting so weird ever since I met you? And that includes our encounter in the past as well."

Taehyung gulped again and fiddled with his fingers wondering what was he supposed to say to justify his recklessness. He couldn't just blurt out the actual reason, now could he? What would Jungkook think if he did? What if he rejected him? What if he laughed at him? So many questions and doubts piled up in Taehyung's mind that he bit his lip thinking of an excuse now. He couldn't tell him that he liked Jungkook. Not now, at least.

"Do you, perhaps, need something from me?"



That hurt Taehyung. That hurt him like a bitch. Did he really seem like that to Jungkook? Or was it just a lame joke? But the serious look on the coconut head's face didn't seem to agree with the joke hypothesis so it meant that he was serious which hurt Taehyung even more. The thought processing was although silent but the changes in Taehyung's facial expressions laid it out all oh so beautifully that Jungkook didn't even need to ask why was Taehyung looking at him with a pale face or what was going on in his head. It was all plastered on the blonde's face and Jungkook face-palmed openly.

"I'm sorry. I take that back. That wasn't what I meant to ask. Forget it. I never asked that. I meant to ask do you like me too?"

And just like that Taehyung was struck by lightening. Jungkook not only took the hurtful words back sincerely with an apology but he asked something else. Something that ended with a very clear word which Taehyung could never have misheard. It was definitely said. Even if it was a slip of tongue in nervousness, as Jungkook's drained color suggested, it still didn't change the fact that Jungkook asked that and he wasn't taking it back. But just to be double sure- actually he just wanted to hear it again, Taehyung asked.



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