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Taehyung paused upon hearing new voice in the room but soon realized that it must belong to Jungkook's brother. On top of that, Jungkook's reaction put a stamp on it as well. Hoseok was standing with the closet open which made him invisible to the new comer since it covered his presence unless the closet door was closed. Jungkook's brother fumed at his spot while Hoseok turned to discreetly wink at Taehyung without giving away his presence. Taehyung was already looking in his direction to see his reaction and when their eyes met the evil idea got transfered via telepathy and two spawns of Satan grinned mischievously. Jungkook was busy praying for the earth to swallow him so he didn't see the change of atmosphere until Taehyung spoke up again and made the situation worse for Jungkook.

"Whoever you are, please help me! P-lease."

Taehyung was outright crying and in the next second Jungkook was tackled to the floor and his brother was standing with one foot on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook wasn't even given a chance to react to Taehyung's trick and he was already getting punished for something he didn't even do.

"Hyung, it's not-"

Jungkook began to explain himself and prove his innocence but his brother didn't let him talk.

"Shut it!"

Jungkook's lips zipped up instantly as his brother pressed his foot down and made him gasp for air at the sudden pressure. Meanwhile, Taehyung and Hoseok glanced at each other as they questioned their action and wondered if they could get away with it without getting killed by Jungkook's brother.

"Are you okay?"

Taehyung was jerked out of his thoughts at the soft voice and he looked towards Jungkook's brother who was looking at him with concern and sympathy. Taehyung dumbly nodded as he felt tears in his eyes. Not because he was too into acting but he was scared to death that the guy talking so softly to him right now had a muscular guy pinned down by a mere foot.

"I'm really very sorry for my brother's vulgar act."

He glared down at Jungkook as he spoke and Jungkook tried once again to talk in defence.

"I didn't-"

Jungkook was silenced again with another jolt of pressure before he was left alone and his brother walked up to Taehyung who seemed to have frozen in fear.

"Here. Let me help you up."

Taehyung sat up with much stiffness as he prayed  to be saved from this situation. Meanwhile, Hoseok silently moved to sit inside the closet and closed it enough to hide himself without making any noise. Taehyung saw him move but stayed quiet because he knew well that it would be the death of both of them if he spoke up. Jungkook's brother once again brought him out of his thoughts as he gently patted his head.

"What's your name?"

Taehyung forgot how to speak for a second before he blinked his eyes and closed his agape mouth to answer.

"T-Taeyhung, sir."

Jungkook's brother smiled at him softly and grabbed the bottle and glass from the side table to fill it up for Taehyung. He handed it to the frightened male whose hands were shaking slightly by now.

"That's a very lovely name, Taehyung. My name's Jin. You don't have to be formal with me."

Taehyung nodded slightly as he gulped down the glass and stole a glance at Jungkook. The poor victim was sitting on the floor rubbing his chest and, Taehyung's bad luck, he turned towards the duo on the bed right then and made eye contact with Taehyung. Taehyung felt extremely guilty but didn't have the guts to take it back since Jin scared him to the bone. Taehyung licked his lips in nervousness and looked down immediately in apology but Jungkook kept glaring at him.

Jin broke the moment once again as he put his hand gently on Taehyung's shoulder and made him hitch his breath.

"I'm really sorry, Taehyung. Please tell me, how can I make it up to you? I know nothing will remove the traumatic memory but I still feel obliged to do something to feel somewhat at ease. So please, don't hesitate and tell me whatever you want. Anything."

Taehyung couldn't bring himself to take advantage of the situation because of his fear and only gulped as he tried to keep himself from fainting.

Jin took the silence as Taehyung still being in shock so he patted him gently before taking out a pen and paper to scribble down his number before placing it in Taehyung's hand.

"Call me whenever you want, okay? Don't ever hesitate. Just consider me as your brother."

Jin stood up and pulled Jungkook by his ear as he dragged him along while Jungkook mumbled in pain.

"Hyung, please listen to me once. Hyung! Hyung! It hurts."

Once Jin and Jungkook were out of sight and the door closed behind them, it took three seconds before Hoseok burst out of the closet and Taehyung jumped from the bed.

"We are so dead!"

"I need to move out of this place."

"I almost shit my pants."

"He was so scary."

"Do you think he'll kill Jungkook?"

"What if he comes back when he finds the truth?"



The hyped rambling continued as they both spoke without listening to the other as they jumped up and down tugging at their hair and eventually ended up whining in each other's face. They stared at each other in horror for a few seconds before deciding unanimously.

"We should tell him."

"We should."

"Then run away."

"Run away."

They both spoke as they slowly walked towards the door and flung it open only to spin around and walk back in as soon as they saw Jin fuming while walking back to them with Jungkook on his tail.

"He is coming to kill us, Tae. Let's say our last wishes and apologies."

Taehyung hummed and closed his eyes as he laced his fingers with Hoseok's.

"I'm sorry for drowning your fish, Hobi. I'm sorry for using your razor secretly. I'm sorry for using your credit card whenever you got drunk. I'm sorry for.. For losing your watch in a bet. I wish you would forgive me and stay by my side even in the next life."

Hoseok was beyond furious right now but he knew he didn't have time for it so he skipped that part and said his own apologies.

"I have the same wish, Tae. To be with you in the next life to take care of a few incomplete things. Now I must also apologize. I'm sorry for purposely giving you wrong answers during the exam. I'm sorry for telling the girls that you love tomatoes so that your locker would get filled with them daily. I'm sorry for ditching you in the haunted house and pretending to have gotten lost."

Taehyung didn't get the chance to react when the door burst open and Jin appeared with a killing aura surrounding him.

"You little-"

Taehyung squeezed Hoseok's hand and took in a deep breath as Jin took slow steps towards them. Hoseok was scared shitless but managed to whisper to Taehyung before Jin came closer.

"I want to live. Let's run."

Taehyung pressed his lips as he barely nodded but Hoseok saw it clearly. They waited for an opening and once they got it, they took it without a second thought and dashed out without looking where they are going.


Jin yelled behind them but the duo didn't look back as they ran hand in hand. They would think later but first they needed to survive.


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