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Taehyung couldn't have hated his luck more than he did today as the shocked voice reached his ears. Of all the people that he could end up spending a night with, it just had to be that one person whom he had being praying to avoid for the rest of his life.


"Uh, hi?"

Taehyung awkwardly waved his hand as he chuckled with much effort and begged to God to let it be anything other than what he was thinking. He would never be able to live with himself if he actually found out that he slept with Jungkook after getting drunk.

"Hi? That's what you say after I brought you here and let you sleep when I could have let you die on street?"

Taehyung shut his eyes and pressed them together tightly as he heard Jungkook's unamused question. He couldn't have done it. He just couldn't. No matter how tempting Jungkook's hot and sexy body is, there's just no way he would do it with him while being tipsy. Or could he?

"Did we..?"

Taehyung kept his eyes closed as he tried to ask but stopped right in the beginning since it was too much of a burden for him to ask. Jungkook didn't seem to understand his tension and asked nonchalantly.

"Did we what?"

Taehyung gulped as he opened his eyes and looked down at his feet.

"Did we, you know, do something? Together, I mean."

Jungkook blinked once before he realized what Taehyung was getting at and immediately retaliated.

"No way! Do you really think I would get anywhere near you after last time?"

Taehyung flinched at the venomous tone of Jungkook's words. True, he wanted to hear just that but Jungkook didn't need to be so harsh. Taehyung pouted at the thought and Jungkook scoffed in disbelief.

"You're kidding, right? You can't possibly be that idiotic to expect to get my dick after nearly getting it chopped by my brother back then."

Taehyung widened his eyes and waved his hands quickly as red coloration started to creep up his neck and towards the tip of his ears. Taehyung desperately thought that Jungkook needed to put a filter on his mouth or he might make Taehyung cum undone just by talking.

"No no. That's not what I said. Oh God! No. Just.. No."

Jungkook tilted his head as he let the towel hang around his neck.

"Then why did your face fall instantly?"

Taehyung reddened further at that.

"You were just too harsh. That's it. Nothing else, I swear."

Jungkook smirked at how gullible Taehyung was and decided to mess with him a little. He needed to get his revenge on him as well, after all. So Jungkook took small and slow steps towards him in a predatory way with the smirk in place.

"Why are you swearing? Do you really think I won't believe you? Is your word that meaningless?"

Taehyung was left speechless for a moment before he realized where this was going.

"Don't play this game with me. I'm not falling for it."

Jungkook looked innocently at him as he came closer.

"What game?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he tried to fight off the fluttery feeling in his pit. Granted Jungkook looked cute and seductive at the same time but he needed to maintain his stance since it was all Jungkook's plan to make him lose and Taehyung was NOT going to let him win.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? It got out of our hands very quickly and we couldn't take care of it. Let it go now. It will never happen again. It can't."

He mumbled the last part to himself but Jungkook heard it quite right. That reminded him of what Taehyung said to him after he approached Santa Jungkook, heavily drunk.

"Ah, you fought with 'Hobi'. By the way what kind of name is Hobi?"

Taehyung immediately went into defence mode at the insult of his best friend's name, disregarding Jungkook's other words.

"It's a very cute nick name and I call him that. I'll kill you if say something bad about his name or him, in general."

Taehyung huffed as he said and looked aside. Fight or no fight, Hoseok was still his best friend and Taehyung was not going to stand someone insulting Hoseok on his watch. Jungkook chuckled at Taehyung's quick change in attitude from afraid to cute and pouty which made Taehyung even more mad.

"What are you laughing at? I'm serious."

Jungkook laughed even more to piss him off because it was his time to take revenge since the ball was in his court now. Taehyung furrowed his eye brows at Jungkook's reaction and glared at him.

"Stop it. I'm warning you."

Jungkook raised an eye brow at him and mocked.

"Or what? You're gonna hug your teddy weddy and cry, hm? You big baby."

Taehyung scoffed in disbelief.

"My voice alone is three times manlier than you, you girly Santa."

Jungkook's laugh died at that. Taehyung did not just call him 'girly'.

"Who are you calling girly? Haven't you ever seen yourself in a mirror? You look like Cinderella."

Taehyung wanted to feel complimented but the words gave a heavy insulting feel and enraged him more.

"Oh, yeah? Well you look like a cute little red riding hood."

Jungkook fumed at the word 'cute' and his voice lowered to a deadly low level.

"I'm. Not. Cute."

Taehyung realized that he just hit the right button and felt tempted to keep pressing it as a smirk formed on his face.

"Oh yes, you are. You are cute little bunny. Look at your cute little nose~"

Taehyung squealed at Jungkook's face but that didn't last long since Jungkook moved with the speed of light and picked Taehyung up and threw him over his shoulder. It happened too fast for Taehyung to react so he couldn't save himself. But that didn't mean he couldn't protest.

"Yah! Put me down! Put me down, you asshole."

Jungkook had the upper hand again and he was going to take full advantage of it. He walked around unaffected of Taehyung's punches on his back and yelling in his ears.

"You're as light as a girl. At least I have a manly body."

Taehyung resisted even strongly at that but it was no use. Jungkook was treating him like he was treating his towel. Taehyung let his arms fall down after getting tired but as soon as his hands touched the back of Jungkook an idea came in his mind. Without a warning, Taehyung started tickling Jungkook. The attack was sudden and unexpected so Jungkook's grip on Taehyung loosened. Taehyung closed his eyes as he expected to hit the floor.

Before Taehyung could yelp or feel the ground make contact with his head, he stopped falling. When he opened he eyes, Taehyung was inches away from ground. Just the thought about him nearly hitting it kept his heart racing like crazy and Taehyung's breath was held in.

"You okay, princess?"

Taehyung didn't hear the mock as he breathed out shakily and replied.



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