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Jungkook cleared his throat trying to look calm but was failing miserably because his ear tips had started to redden and it was pretty obvious that he had been exposed. Yet, Taehyung was still waiting for the brunette to bless his ears with the golden words.

"What did you mean by 'too', Jungkookie?"

The words dripping with hope and expectations gave Jungkook slight motivation which he used to gulp and look at Taehyung in the eyes to see if it was okay to justify himself truthfully or should he take his words back.

Once the two pairs of eyes met, Jungkook lost his inner battle because of the crystal clear emotions oozing out of not just his eyes but Taehyung's whole form. Before he could be taken over completely by the overwhelming feeling, as Jungkook inched closer to the blonde, he mumbled the last words that he might need to use for his defence later if his speculation turned out to be wrong.

"Sorry, but I can't hold back anymore, Tae."

Before Taehyung could even process the statement and understand the meaning he was pressed gently against Jungkook's well built body, a set of lips softly fitting with his own as two hands cupped his face.

Taehyung blinked once and then twice as he saw the closed eye lids of his crush only millimeters away from his own and his mind that was going crazy, finally screamed.

Jungkook and him were KISSING!

No, wait.

Jungkook was kissing him!

It was just heavenly. The feeling of knowing his fantasy was finally a reality. The feeling of his crush returning his heart. The feeling of Jungkook's soft lips on Taehyung's plump ones that made the blonde's eyes close and his legs go weak but the firm yet gentle grip of the muscular arms held him up right. There were no words to tell exactly what Taehyung was going through at the moment. But it wouldn't be wrong to say that the guy was euphoric.

Jungkook poured his heart into the kiss melting Taehyung with each passing moment as he relayed his own piece of mind through it and it wouldn't be wrong to say that the blonde was in a whole new world of sensation. When the brunette glazed his tongue over Taehyung's lower lip and started sucking on it, an involuntary moan left Taehyung's throat and made Jungkook pull him even closer, if possible. They kissed like their lives depended on it but once the need of air reached beyond the level of endurance they had to pull away, which they did begrudgingly, with a lingering final touch.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly and once he did he saw Jungkook's looking right into his own. The gaze turned the already blushing guy into a mush and he leaned his head forward to rest it onto Jungkook's chest.

"Don't look at me like that."

Jungkook couldn't believe he was actually thinking that he found it cute but he did. A blushing and flustered Taehyung was the cutest thing in the whole world for him and what made it even better was that this cuteness belonged to him and him alone.

"I can't help it.. Princess."

Taehyung hit the brunette's chest with his fist lightly at that as he pulled back to glare.

"Don't call me that."

Jungkook chuckled and gave a quick peck on Taehyung's cheek which silenced him with a new emerging blush.

"Why don't you give a me list of things you don't want me to do, hm?"

The two of them laughed together softly before Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung once again and rested his chin on the other's fluffy head.

"I'm glad you didn't reject me, Tae. I was scared you would."

Taehyung giggled softly into the other's torso and replied.

"Why would I reject you? You may not know this but I have had a crush on you ever since we met last time."

Jungkook's eyes widened a bit at that.

"You did?"

Taehyung shyly straighted back up and fiddled with Jungkook's shirt as he started.

"Yeah. You were really something else, you know. And I couldn't keep my eyes off of you ever since."

A few things came to Jungkook's mind when he heard that and he just had to ask right now.

"Wait. Ever since? As in, you have been following me around?"

The question made Taehyung do a double take on his words and he wondered if he just ruined their moment but Jungkook didn't let his procrastination go on for long as he lifted the blonde's chin up with his finger to make their eyes meet.

"You can't deny it, princess. I have seen you around a little to much for coincidence."

Taehyung gulped at Jungkook's words and simply nodded since his throat was dry again. A teasing tongue came out to wet his lips which made Jungkook's eyes follow its movement until it disappeared.

"That tongue of yours is so sinful, Tae baby."

What was up with all these sexy nicknames, was the question that Taehyung was going to ask but it never happened since Jungkook had attacked his lips again. It wasn't an important thing to ask anyway nor did he actually mind it. The unacceptance was just a cover to hear more of them from Jungkook and by the looks of events, the blonde was sure he would be getting plenty of them for a long time now. At least, that's what he hoped.

When they parted the second time, Jungkook put a stamp on his hope.

"Baby? Be my boyfriend and soon to be husband, please."

Taehyung was about to agree because, of course, he would love to be Jungkook's boyfriend but 'soon to be husband'? Was Jungkook proposing him just like that? This was too fast and Taehyung didn't know how to answer so he just stared at the other.

"Hey relax. I was just teasing you. Just boyfriend is fine for now."

Taehyung released a sigh he didn't know he was holding and nodded while grinning. It wasn't that he didn't want that. It's just that he wanted things to go slower and sweeter. But once Jungkook would ask him again, he wouldn't hesitate. Jungkook returned the hyped smile as he kissed Taehyung's hand and stared in his eyes, keeping his thoughts to himself.

/You'll definitely become my husband and only mine./

************************************The End!!! Fluffy fluffy

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The End!!! Fluffy fluffy...

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