Chapter One

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The last thing I expected to see after the bonfire was a dead body, two actually. But apparently, the universe decided that it's just what I needed. 

The four of us stood in silence as the detectives walked around the scene. It was nothing like what you'd see on tv. It was gory and messy, the detectives trying their hardest to figure out what could've happened. An ambulance remained empty, evidently, the victims lost before the paramedics could make it. Their bodies laid on the ground in body bags, but the forest floor remained bloody and disheveled. Trees held deep gashes and the area seemed devoid of life. 

Most people on the scene seemed to ignore our presence, as if we weren't there at all. Only two paid any attention to us, they asked us questions and told us what we were "allowed to know."

"You four were at that party?" The detectives voice was oddly relaxing, it was almost like we hadn't just gone through the experience of seeing two dead bodies.

We all nodded our heads.

"Do you know the victim?" He referred to the dead girl, who have already been taken away. "Could she have been there?"

"Um, no. I, uh, I don't know her," I said. "Do you think we could leave soon?"

"Soon," he said. "We have a few more questions and once those are answered you can go on home."

I zoned out, not knowing how to feel or what to think. I don't know if I'll ever get the image of that out of my head.

"Did you see anyone?"

"Here? No," Nathan said. "We didn't see anyone." His voice was empty and hollow, a sharp difference from before, when it was lighthearted and fun.

The detective flipped his notebook closed and sighed. "You four stay for just one more second, I'll be right back." He stepped to the side and spoke to his partner in hushed tones. I only heard a few words, none stood out much until he said "It wasn't human. Are you thinking the same as I am?"

If what killed her wasn't human then what was it. It didn't look at all like an animal attack. "Did you guys hear that?"

"What the detective said? Yeah," Halley said. "But at this point I don't care. I'm just ready to leave."

We waited another couple of minutes until the detectives partner came to speak to us, he was already walking back to their car. "I'm Elliot, there isn't anything else we need from you guys so you're free to go. If you remember anything else," he held a card out to us, "please don't hesitate to call."

"Of course," I said. We trudged through the forest once more and went back to the bonfire to collect our stuff. I slung my backpack on and fished out my keys as we made our way to my car. "Now, who wants to go home first and explain why we all smell like alcohol and weed."

"How about we don't do that and we go watch a movie at your place instead. Your mom is still on the night shift at the hospital right?" Nathan questioned. "I suggest Die Hard."

"Nathan, we watched that two days ago," Natalie argued. "Plus, mom and dad will be worried sick if we don't get back soon." 

"I can call and say we're spending the night at Jay's. They won't question it."

"Fine," she replied. "Looks like we're all spending the night at Jay's."

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