Chapter Four

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When I woke up it was almost six in the morning and Jeremiah was still fast asleep. He looks completely at peace when he sleeps, like nothing in the world could bother him. I want him to feel that safe and calm in the waking world. I hate seeing him unhappy but sometimes he's too empathetic to gain any real peace. He's always worrying about his mom or how his grandparents in Texas are. I can tell he worries about me sometimes. I can see it in his wonderful brown eyes. Generally, it's when I'm falling behind in classes or when I feel down. It may trouble me when he does it but it's kind of endearing when he does. It shows he cares about the people he loves.

Speaking of people he loves, our phone call yesterday still hangs in the back of my mind. He said "love you" as if it was nothing. I said it too and I meant it. I do love him. And I know that it's not how he meant it. He does love me, I know that. He's my best friend, who I would lay down my life for, who I would do anything for. I don't think he'd ever love me the way that I love him.

Jay's mom rushed through the living room in such a hurry I thought she'd fall apart. When she noticed my awake presence she told me, "Tell Jay that I had to leave early. And to call me."

"I thought you weren't scheduled today. May I ask why you're leaving so early?"

She paused for a moment, unsure if she should answer. "Just - something came up and I have to be somewhere today."

I nodded as she hurried out the door, pulling on a light hoodie.

The door closed and I tried my best to get up without disturbing Jay. Once I was successful at that I made my way into the kitchen and started looking for something to make for breakfast. Yet my thoughts wandered to the case. Every instinct in me was trying to warn me of something. It told me to stay away from this case, to abandon it and never look back. But there's something about it I can't shake, something truly terrifying but insanely interesting. Something making me want to know more. It may be Jeremiah's curiosity or even my own, but I feel like I need to know more, I need to find out what's going on. I don't believe it's anything supernatural, but I'll admit that something definitely feels off about it.

Jay walked into the kitchen, the blanket hanging around his shoulders like a cape. "What're you thinking about?" I blinked in confusion. "You've got that look on your face. I can tell something is bothering you," he said.

"Oh." Sometimes I hate that he can read me so well. "Just hoping Daniella's okay."

"There's more isn't there?" He sat at the table, holding his coffee cup between his hands.

"Yeah," I said. I finished scrambled eggs I decided to make and slid a plate of them over to Jay.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked as I started the coffee.

I sighed. "I don't know."

《《《 》》》

The hospital was cold and the fluorescent lights only seemed to make the white walls even brighter. After finishing breakfast Jay and I decided to visit Daniella. We thought she could use some company other than her parents and doctors. Or maybe she could use someone to talk to.

Jay never told me what his mom told him over the phone. His mood changed after he hung up, and I started worrying that something was wrong. Usually, he tells me everything, what's going on and how he feels about it. But this time is different, something is bothering him and I don't know how to help. And I want to help.

Jay knocked on the door to Daniella's room and after a moment her mom opened the door. She was a short, pudgy woman that always wore nice clothes. But this time she wore a plain blue shirt and sweatpants. Her brown eyes held so much exhaustion I thought she'd fall asleep at any given minute. Her usually perfect, long hair was in a messy ponytail.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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