Chapter Two

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I can't believe it. I'm actually going into the forest where two people killed not one day before. By some mega strong dude that was probably cracked out enough that he could pull it off. Maybe they didn't even know what they were doing. 

Nevertheless, I followed Jay to the park by the forest and then waited for Nat and Halley to show up. Hopefully, we won't find anything and it'll be a safe little hike through the woods. As much as I would hate to admit it, the thought of actually finding a murderer in the forest sounds as equally terrifying as the tilt a whirl after a funnel cake. Or the Viking ride. The boat one with no buckles, just a bar. "But, Nathan, centripetal force." Yeah, okay. Have fun with your science when you feel like your stomach is on the ground.

Jay was scrolling through pictures on his phone, evidently from last summer. He paused on a picture of the four of us, all smiling in the bright sun, waiting in line for the Ferris wheel. It was when we went to the amusement park in Portland. "Remember this?"

"Yeah, I do," I said. "One of the best days of my life." 

"Dude," he said. "You won first place in archery last year."

Okay, maybe he's right. But that day was so much more than that stupid competition, I got to spend time with the people I love most. I decided to test Jay's memory, "And do you remember what that competition was called?" 

"Hmm, no," he said. "I do remember that you won first place in something though. Was it individual performance?"

"Yes, it was." 

Halley and Natalie jogged up to us carrying a to go bag from a local diner. "We got everything but dessert," Halley said. "Unfortunately, Rhys's cookies are just too good for the world."

"They ran out in an hour," Natalie added. She looked towards the trees, "So, are we ready?" I could tell from one look that she was absolutely terrified. She would rather be somewhere else, watching a movie or reading a book or on a date with Halley. Definitely anything other than being here, about to tread into the domain of a killer. 

"This is crazy," Halley said. "Why would we willingly go in there? Something bad could happen..."

"Or," I said. "We find nothing and it's been just a nice little hike with friends."

I saw Jay consider everyone's words for a moment before he spoke. "Before we go we should eat. Don't want any of us to starve." I could see it's not what he was actually worried about. He was just as scared of those woods as I was. 


We trekked through the woods close to where the bonfire was last night. To our surprise, there were no detectives or any other people present. It was just us and the crime scene. Just us and the place where two people were murdered violently as we all had fun at a party.

The tape still hung onto the trees and the scratches and blood were still present, providing the forest with a serial killer vibe. Something like Friday The 13th. A lame excuse for a so-called horror movie but I still like it. It's just something about classic horror movies that captures my attention, maybe it's the acting or the batshit crazy storylines like Nightmare On Elm Street

Then again, Lovecraft was better, even though he was a century before any of those movies. Lovecraftian horror is truly the best in my opinion.

"Nathan, did you bring your phone," Jay asked. 

"Yeah, why?" 

"I'm gonna need you to get a picture of this," he said, pointing to the trunk of a tree that was mutilated by gigantic scratches. 

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