Chapter 11

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It was 11:30pm by the time I had finally arrived back into my hotel room. I tried to delay going back for as long as possible because I was scared to confront my parents again after yelling at them.

I was surprised to see that neither of my parents were waiting by the door to speak to me. Weird. Walking back to my hotel bedroom, I could hear faint low mutterings coming from my room. Opening my door with attitude (typical teen behavior hah!), I was greeted by my Mum, Dad and Demi who seem to have made themselves comfortable in what was supposed to be my room.

"Have you recovered yet?" Demi asked impatiently. The tone of her voice suggested that she was annoyed with me but I couldn't think of anything I could have possibly done.

"Yeahh I guess." I replied dismissively whilst grabbing my phone charger and plugging my phone in so that I could text Brad later. I tried to act as if nothing happened but that was too difficult with my family watching me like eagles.

"Okay I'm just going to say this straight out. Your mother and I took what you said into consideration and decided that seeing as you are 17 now, you are mature enough to live alone. Luckily for you, we don't want to sell off the house as we only just bought it. So....if you would like, you can stay back in Birmingham whilst we live here in Barcelona. Its a big decision, Robyn, so only accept if you're positive you can manage on your own!"

I couldn't believe it! My eyes were actually welling up with tears and I had to dig my nails into my hand to make sure this wasn't a dream. Nope - this is real! Oh my God!

Slowly taking a deep breath to compose myself, I prepared myself for a reply. "Oh my God! You can't actually be serious right now?! This is amazing! Thank you so much. Hold on wait... Is Demi moving to Barcelona with you guys?"

"Yeah I am. Although we are the same age, they don't trust me to live by myself and you can only move out at this age with parental consent! Ugh." Demi seemed really pissed off with me but I couldn't help but enjoy this moment because she's always had everything easier in life and now was my turn!

"Oh. Um sorry?" I replied, faking sympathy.

Demi rolled her eyes before shooting me an evil glare. If looks could kill then I'd almost certainly be dead right now! "Whatever."

Diffusing the situation and preventing an argument, my Mum decided to step in. "As for money, we will send you a monthly allowance enough to pay for house and general living expenses but once you're 18, you are on your own!"

I squealed with excitement. I didn't even know how I was going to get by on my own but I was just too excited. I AM GOING TO BE PERMANENTLY HOME ALONE: this means loud singing, no privacy invasion and the best part... I can invite Brad round all the time. Eeeeeekkk!

Embracing my parents in a humongous hug, I thanked them once more before they left my hotel room to give me some privacy.

As soon as I found out the awesome news, I rang Brad to tell him!

Brad: Hey Robyn! What's up?

Me: Okay so you know how I told you about my family moving to Barcelona?

Brad: Yeah...?

Me: Well basically, my parents have given me their house! They are moving here next week and leaving the house completely to me. They're gonna also finance everything until I'm 18! Oh my god how awesome is this?

Brad: Wow that's so awesome! You know what this means eh? I can come round yours whenever. I'm so excited haha

Me: Me too aaaahhhh! Right anyway, I was just calling to quickly update you. I'm going to sleep now but I'll talk to you in the morning. I'll be back in Birmingham by the evening.

Brad: Wicked! I'll be home by midday so I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well, babe.

Me: Good night Brad.

Today was the beginning of something new: a fresh start that I've been dreaming of for months! I now have an amazing boyfriend AND a house that's just mine! Can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring...

**Authors Note**

I now have 500+ views. This is absolutely incredible and I can't believe it! Thank you so much to everyone who has voted and commented. I love you all, it brightens my day every time I see a wattpad notification ♥♥

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