Chapter 18

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As soon as we arrived back home, Beth got out her phone and rang her friends Brittany and Hayley to invite them to the sleepover tonight. Whilst she did that, I turned on my laptop and started to research some drinking games and party games.

I was so inexperienced at all of this so I had to turn to my trusty friend (Google) for any information as to what teenagers usually do at these crazy sleepovers. Whilst reading through all of the information, it suddenly sunk in that Brad would be sleeping here, in MY house - tonight! Immediately, I began to panic and started stressing out.

Why am I worrying about this? Brad is my boyfriend! I should be excited not scared.

In my head I still feel like I need to impress Brad which is why I'm so nervous around him. My trust issues are beginning to take a toll on my life and I need to try and stop shutting myself out from people otherwise I'll never maintain the boys as my friends and Brad as my boyfriend.

Whisking me away from my pessimistic thoughts, Beth informed me that Hayley and Brittany were going to come here half an hour before the boys arrive so that I could get a chance to meet them and make sure that I am comfortable around them.

''So where are we all going to be 'sleeping'?'' Beth asked me, looking around my bedroom as if she was wondering if we'd all fit in here.

''Hmmm. We're probably going to have to sleep in the living room seeing as there are going to be eight of us!'' I replied.

Beth nodded and grabbed some of my cushions for my bed - along with my spare bedding. We trudged downstairs holding loads of spare bedding and began to set out the living room.

''We need to set up sleeping arrangements!'' I said to Beth, relaying the information that I had read on a WikiHow article about sleepovers.

''Ooh I completely forgot about that! Okay so how we lay all the bedding out in a circle? It can go Me, Tristan, Brad, You, Con, Hayley, James then Brittany?'' Beth suggested.

''Sounds awesome! Although, do we really want Tradley next to each other? They'll be all over each other all night and I probably won't even get to spend time with Brad.''

Beth just giggled and didn't even bother thinking of an alternate sleeping arrangement. I guess she likes watching the Tradley action. I don't blame her though. If I wasn't with Brad, I would definitely want Tradley to be together aha! Maybe if things don't work out with me and Brad then I can set those two up...

After we had finished laying out all of the bedding, we decided to set up the table with bowls of snacks and loads of drinks. Wow, we're definitely prepared to say the least!

Glancing at the time, I saw that it was already 6pm which means that Brittany and Hayley would be here in about an hour. I was so scared to meet them but if Beth likes them, it must mean that they're nice - right?


Ding dong!

Without hesitation, Beth jumped up out of her seat and ran to the door. I trailed behind her slowly, my shyness beginning to kick in.

''BRIT! HAYLEY! HELLLOOOOOOO!'' Beth screeched - probably damaging my eardrums.

''Hey! I'm so excited to meet the boys and your friend Robyn. Tonight is gonna be perf!'' Brittany said before seeing me and smiling.

Her and Hayley both rushed up to me and gave me a huge hug as if they had known me for years. Completely taken aback, it took me a good few seconds to react and hug them back.

''Hiya. You must be Brittany? And Hayley?'' I said, pointing to each of them in turn.

''Yeah! Sorry, we're real huggers aha I guess Beth didn't tell you!'' Hayley said with a huge beaming smile.

Hayley had bright red, shoulder length hair and a nose piercing. Her eyes were a glistening sea blue - the colour was accentuated through her really nice (but heavy) eye makeup. She seemed kinda punk so in my head, I automatically paired her with Connor. Contrary to Hayley, Brittany had long blonde hair, green eyes and seemed really girly. Both of them were really pretty though.

''Oh my god! I can't believe we finally get to meet The Vamps! I think I might just collapse.'' Brittany said, seeming to have a fangirl seizure.

Hayley grabbed Brittany's arm for support and then burst out into laughter. ''Please excuse Brittany. She'll probably be like this for the next hour until she meets them. We both absolutely love The Vamps but she just happens to be more public about it!'' Hayley informed me.

These two seemed really genuinely nice and they were just ordinary fangirls like I was before meeting the boys. Although I still secretly fangirl about the boys, it's starting to become normal for me as they live next door and I hang out with them all the time.

In attempt to calm Brittany down, we all went upstairs into my bedroom and began getting ready for the sleepover. My bedroom was practically turned into a beauty salon as we all started to do our makeup, hair and nails.

We all looked absolutely stunning. Beth was wearing her outfit that she bought earlier on today. I was wearing my revealing lilac dress paired with a gold statement neckless and had my hair down - revealing my long naturally curly (but quite thick) hair.

Hayley was wearing a Paramore band shirt paired with black skinny jeans and had her red hair down, with her side fringe resting on the side of her face. Brittany was wearing a tight black dress with her blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail and went for a bold cat eye effect.

We all were wearing completely different things but still seemed to have lots in common in terms of our personal taste for fashion.

Just as we finished up making sure we all looked presentable, the doorbell rang and we all raced downstairs to see the boys...

**Authors Note**

Thanks to everyone who has been reading. I'm now on 1.3k reads and that's absolutely incredible. All of the votes and comments really encourage me to update more regularly which is why I have been updating everyday recently.

Please keep voting, commenting and adding to your reading lists if you want to have a chapter dedicated to you.

This chapter is dedicated to @jade0902 for always reading and voting <3.

I love you all xx

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