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"Hey!" I walked up to where Maggie was sitting on the bench and slid over to bump my shoulder into hers.

"Lexie!" She looked up at me and smiled at me happily.

This had been our routine the past couple days. Her aunt had to drop her off early so I made it a habit to get Kara out of bed and here early too. Even if it was only ten minutes, I didn't want her to be alone.

"Why, Lexie." I complained for what felt like the hundredth time. "It's so girly!"

"Fine, Alex." She smirked and put her book in her backpack. Usually that was the end of the Lexie thing, but this time she gave me an explanation, "It just so happens that Lexie is the name of my favorite kick-ass doctor on my favorite television show, well, favorite besides Once Upon a Time. And House. And Merlin. And-"

"You mean Lexie Grey?" I interrupted her seemingly endless list of favorites.

"No way!" She gasped. "You're a Grey's fan?"

I laughed, "How could I not be: a whole ensemble of amazing female doctors and scientists, not to mention that there are so many positive representations of all sorts of people on the show." I paused and looked at Maggie, I could tell she was so excited to have found someone she could geek out over this show with.

"Besides," I threw in casually. I knew she was going to freak out over this one, "my cousin is on the show, so I'm sort of biased."

Maggies face remained neutral as she stared at me for what felt like a solid minute as her brain attempted to process the information and decide how to react. Finally it came out, slowly at first, then in a rush. "Your what? Who? Which character? Oh my God! It's Lexie, it's Chyler! Tell me it's Chyler! Oh I know it's Chyler. God! I can't believe I didn't see it before! You're like, she's like, you're like a younger version of her! Oh my God! Are you kidding, please tell me you're not kidding, because that would be so mean. You're not, are you?" she stopped and took a breath, her eyes wide and her dimples out.

"You are too cute when you fangirl, you know that?" I laughed at her mini rant and it might have been my imagination but I think she blushed a little.

"Yes, okay, but is it Chyler Leigh? Is she your cousin?" She was practically bursting from excitement and anticipation.

"Yes," I said and she squealed. "She's my dad's oldest brother's' daughter. She used to babysit me all the time when I was younger. We actually have the same birthday, obviously 12 years apart, but still."

"Oh my gosh!" Maggie still looked like she was in shock, "Have you met the rest of them? Have you been to the set?!" She barely managed to get out.

"I haven't yet, Chy promised she'd take me for me 17th birthday, which is this April! She has told me some pretty crazy things that have happened on set. Our family tried to get everyone together at least twice a year."

"Okay, you have to tell me those sometime." She said, still in disbelief.

"Sure," I said, "Hey, that reminded me, Kara is having a sleepover with Lena tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come. So I won't, you know, be alone."

"Uh, sure," she said, raising her eyebrows in surprise. I think she was still caught up in the whole 'me suddenly being cool because I know someone famous' thing "Ya, I'd love to. Let me just text my Aunt and make sure I'm free."

I sat there awkwardly smiling while she did so. There was a part of me that had been really nervous that she would have said no, but she hadn't, and it made my stomach go all happy and bubbly.

"...she said I might be able to," Maggie smiled. "What time should I come over?"

"Around 6:30," I said, "Kara is ordering pizza and we are going to watch a movie."

"Umm," she bit her lip while she was typing; I found my eyes inexplicable drawn to this. Even once I caught myself, I still couldn't tear my eyes away.

As I was watching her, she didn't take her eyes off her phone but I saw a blush creeping onto her cheek, meaning she probably knew I was staring at her. Her phone notification sounded and her eyes scanned the message, shoulders dropping before she shot back a short reply.

"I'm really sorry, Alex," she started. "My aunt can't drop me off, she has to go visit a client at the jail. And she doesn't get home until 8."

"She could drop you off earlier," I suggested. So it's her aunt that's a lawyer, it all makes sense now.

"Apparently she's going to dinner with some friends before." Now she turned and faced me, still looking down at her phone. "I really don't know why she said I could if she obviously was too busy," she mumbled softly to herself. "Sorry, Danvers," she said in an almost normal voice, still not quite looking at me, "I guess not tonight."

I knew that she had really been looking forward to it, though I don't know why this in particular got to her so much "Yes tonight!" I exclaimed. "I can't leave you all alone on a Friday night! You can just come over right after school, no problemo."

"Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled again, this time with the little round dimples.

The bell rang and we both got up. "I'll text you when to meet me as soon as I ask Kara."

"Okay," she said.

"Oh! I almost forgot," I yelled across a few people," are you afraid of heights?"
She shook her head no and yelled back, "Why?"

I just smiled and turned around. Without looking back I waved over my shoulder and walked off like a badass.

"Alex!" She called out. "Lexie!"

I just kept walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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