You Have Me

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The next couple weeks at school Maggie and I had gotten know each other more. She told me that she was living with her aunt while her dad was working in Africa. He was a physician apparently, although I don't know what her mother's  story is. I told her that we adopted Kara last year and that both my parents were scientists. We talked about the classes we were talking and also about the teachers. I told her I wanted to be a scientist like my parents and she called me a nerd. So of course I had to make fun of her for wanting to be lawyer. She was just so easy to talk to and she was actually really funny.

"...And then I used my heat vision and set my teacher on fire."

"You did what?!" I turned to Kara incredulously.

"Relax, I didn't do anything."she laughed. When I looked at her in confusion, she elaborated, "you were zoned out thinking about something."

"Oh." I said, a slight blush rising in my cheeks; I had been thinking about Maggie. "Anyway, what were you saying."

"Lena is coming over next Friday and Eliza said you could bring one friend. How about Vicky, I haven't seen her in a while." Kara told me. We had stopped at her locker and then mine before continuing to head towards where we sat with our friends.

"ummm," I hesitated. I had yet to tell Kara about  mine and Vicky's falling out. "What are we gonna do?" I asked suspiciously while at the same time avoided the question. Kara was known for her impulsiveness and slight craziness whenever a sleepover was in progress.

"I was thinking we watch a movie, have some popcorn and potstickers, a little pizza and then we can go out on the roof and make a fort and sleep there." She smiled happily and I couldn't help but grin back; her attitude was so infectious.

"Sounds good!" I replied. "What about Nicole and Waverly?" I remembered.

"Oh,yeah I already asked," she said, "Wave said that her sister was back in the country so they were going to have dinner with her so she can meet Nicole."

"Wynonna?" I winced when Kara nodded grimly, "Poor girl."

Wynonna was super friendly and a really cool person, but I had to imagine she wasn't easy to have as a sister. I had only met her once, but from talking to Nicole, Waverly and her aunt and uncle had to move out of their hometown so they could be close to the mental hospital Wynonna had constantly been in and out of, that is until she was old enough and completely left the country.

Suddenly I stopped and backed up a couple of steps. "Maggie?"

"Oh, hey Danvers," she tilted her head to see Kara, who had come up behind me. "Little Danvers."

"What- what are you doing here?" I looked around but I didn't see anyone sitting near her.

"Umm," she looked down at her textbook in her lap and the half eaten sandwich, "eating lunch?"

"Oh," was my brilliant response, because, in retrospect, it had been a stupid question. But of course, my little alien sister had to go and open her big mouth.

"Okay," she said, "but where are your friends, why are you eating alone?"

Maggie looked down in apparently embarrassment. When she looked up again, she met my eyes. I could see that Kara's question had dampened her mood, but she still attempted to reply nonchalantly. "I'm more of a loner."

I knew this to be a lie; she had told me that she didn't really have any friends, something which was obviously not of her doing.

"Why don't you come sit with us?" I suggested cautiously; I didn't want her to think it was only out of pity.

"Oh... I don't. Umm," Maggie hesitated.

"Come on, Maggie. Please?" I begged. Kara glanced at me in surprise. I was a little surprised with myself. Before Vicky and I had our fight, she and Nicole were the only friends I was really close to, so I guess I empathize with Maggie.

She looked between Kara and myself. I could practically see the conflict in her eyes and that's when I knew that someone close to her had hurt her. Why else would she be so hesitant to join our friend circle?

"Okay," she said finally.
She picked up her backpack​ and stood up. We started walking towards our friends in silence. I could tell Maggie was nervous about meeting our friends, so I was going to offer her a word of encouragement but we had already arrived to the breezeway.

"Hey guys!" Kara said. Mike and Lena looked up from their conversation and smiled at us. "This is Maggie. Maggie, this is Lena and Mike. Winn and James had a club meeting and Nicole and Waverly aren't here, but you'll probably meet them tomorrow."

They all said hi and Maggie looked at me for reassurance. I have her a soft smile and she gave me a genuinely happy one back. We all sat down and started to eat and talk about everything and nothing.

After a while Lena furrowed her eyebrows at something behind me. I looked at her confused before turning around. My eyes widened when I saw Vicky and Rick holding hands, laughing, and walking past us. I quickly turned back to find Lena staring straight at me partly questioning and part accusingly. I'll tell you later, I mouthed. Luckily, the whole exchange hadn't taken more than 15 seconds and I didn't think anyone else had noticed.

The bell rang after a few minutes and we all got up. Maggie was laughing as she talked to Mike and I smiled, happy that she got along with our friends. We said goodbye to everyone and started walking to our class.

"You know he has, like, the BIGGEST crush on your sister, right?" Maggie said.

"Who, Mike?" She nodded and I laughed, "Yes, I know. I think everyone except Kara knows."

She laughed as well and we fell into a comfortable silence.

"So, Maggie started, "what was with the whole thing between you and Lena?"

I held the door open for her as we entered the Chemistry classroom. "Umm, nothing really." apparently I had been wrong about no one seeing that. I looked around and I didn't see Miss. Johnson but the door to Ms. Howells room was open slightly so I guess that's where she was.

She gave me a look and I sighed. "She saw Vicky and Rick... together at lunch." She raised her eyebrows at me as if to say, so? I continued, "Vicky used to be my best friend. into a fight after she started going out with Rick. I had a crush on...uh, yeah." I paused as all the hurt feelings came rushing back. "It was actually really stupid. I knew he liked me at the beginning of the school year and I guess I liked the feeling of being liked. We went to a beach party once, but... something happened with Kara...anyway, we talked and hung out more a couple  times, and he was mine and Kara's friend, but never anything more. I found out he had been secretly dating Vicky when I caught them making out at her house. By then it wasn't that they were together more than it was that she didn't tell me about it; we told each other everything. We got into a huge fight about it a month ago and I tried calling her to apologise for overreacting, but she just, ignores me. I don't- I don't know, I just miss having a friend."

I turned to look at Maggie and I gave a small laugh. "Sorry, I just haven't told anyone else that."

"It's okay," Maggie said. She placed her hand over mine which was resting on my leg. "I totally get it."

I looked down at our hands and then back up at her. She was looking straight in my eyes and smiling reassuringly​. "But Alex, don't ever think you don't have anyone. You have Kara and Lena and  the rest of the people I didn't meet whose names I have forgotten, and all of your science geeks," she chuckled at this.

I laughed a little bit too, and then I paused, "And I have you?" I asked, completely serious.

"Sure," was her response.

I gave her a look. For some reason I really needed this right now.

She rolled her eyes but gave my hand a small squeeze before letting go. "And you have me."

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