Part 1

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Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Giggles could be heard all around, while obnoxious cheers echoed throughout the hallways; yet, seated at a small table inside a rather large cafeteria, Simon grimaced.

He hated college.

"Hey, dude!" A stocky blonde male slung his arm around Simon's shoulder as he got up, causing Simon to sigh softly.


"Did you see the game last night?" The blonde let Simon go, watching him expectantly with dark brown eyes. He kind of reminded Simon of a hyper-active puppy. A really obnoxious hyper-active puppy.

"No, Daniel. I didn't watch the game. I'm sure I've said it more than ten times, but I'll repeat it again. Now, listen closely okay?" He leaned over towards the guy, a small smile creeping up onto his lips as he whispered, "I don't like sports, dickwad." He pulled back; the smile fading instantly as he looked up at the blonde's baffled expression.

"Now," Simon murmured, stepping around the blonde. "I've got a class to attend..." Without looking back, Simon hurriedly headed towards his last class, which happened to be English. "Sorry I'm late," he grumbled, softly as he passed by the professor as he entered the room. The professor didn't bother to respond, she just continued teaching as Simon took a seat in the back.

Fiddling with his notebook, he felt a tinge of regret for being so snappy with the football player. Sure, the guy seemed to be a major dumbass who didn't care for other people's opinions, considering he had completely forgotten all the times Simon had told him his interests did not include sports, but still, Simon could've just responded meekly without another glance his way.

He wasn't entirely sure why he always pushed people away. It wasn't like he truly wanted to be alone, after all, he had actually conjured up a fear of being alone when he was little. He couldn't stand the thought of spending the rest of his miserable life by himself. He knew the minute he truly realized that he didn't have a chance at not being alone, he would probably kill himself. He had been down that road before; Simon remembered the exact way he had been a couple months earlier, sulking around--harming himself without another thought. Instinctively, Simon tugged down on the sleeves of his long-sleeve shirt.

After about an hour and a half of sitting around, twiddling his thumbs as the professor up front spoke about the themes they were supposed to observe from the novel they were discussing, the class ended, and he let out a long sigh as he got up. He had spent most of the class internally arguing with himself over whether or not he had the right to sulk like a little bitch over his loneliness, and just as the class was dismissed, he forced a smile and told himself that there were better things ahead, even if he refused to believe so truly.

His smile quickly faded the moment he stepped out of the classroom.

"Hey, Simon,"

Simon turned around, facing the blonde that he had interacted with earlier. "Yes, Daniel?" The look on the male's face sent chills down his spine, and he wasn't exactly sure why.

"I wanted to tell you a couple things." He stated quietly, glancing around the hallway. His lips quirked up slightly as he stared at something behind him, and this only increased Simon's anxiety. "Can we talk?"

Simon snorted, despite the fact that he was actually fairly nervous, shaking his head. "No. We can't talk. I don't have time to chat." He turned away from the guy, picking up his pace as he heard the other's footsteps following after him. Why the fuck was he following Simon? Was it really because of his snappy comment?

"Leave me alone, Daniel." Simon called out as he rushed outside the college building, his eyes scanning the parking lot for his shitty scooter. Where had he parked the damn thing?! Panic began to rise within him as he felt the guy's hand grip his shoulder, turning Simon around to face him. His heartbeat slammed against his chest, and his breathing was too fast. Oh no. He was panicking too much.

Daniel watched Simon for a moment, raising an eyebrow at his panicked expression. "What's wrong, faggot?"

Simons's eyes widened as he heard the word repeat inside his head. Faggot. "Why...Why would you call me that?" He whispered quietly, more than a bit terrified at the sudden mood change. Jesus, he really had fucked up with that snarky comment.

Daniel just shrugged, looking at him thoughtfully. "It was the first thing that came to mind," he replied smoothly. "Why? Are you really one?" he laughed, and anger flooded through Simon, He wasn't a fag, that was for sure.

He. Liked. Women.

"Let go of me!" Simon demanded, causing Daniel to slowly loosen his grip on him. The moment Simon was free; he stumbled backwards, attempting to get away. Rather than escaping, though, a couple steps backwards he slammed into someone else, and he let out a frustrated sigh. Turning around to face whoever he had ran into, Simon's eyes widened as he gazed up at the stranger.

The guy had to be at least six-five.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, bowing his head in apologies just as he felt himself being tugged against the new male. Simon let out a small gasp, struggling to get out of the man's grip just as he heard him speak.

"What the fuck are you doing to my boyfriend? Harassing him?" A gruff voice demanded, causing Simon's stomach to churn uneasily. Oh, God. This stranger was probably trying to help, but he was really only making it worse.

He could hear the fear in Daniel's voice as he replied. "I-I didn't realize he was taken...I was just asking him something." It was a bad lie, and he was sure the new acquaintance knew that as well, but he felt a little relieved. Daniel was afraid of him. Daniel would leave him alone now.

"Well, now you know. So back the fuck off."

Simon heard retreating footsteps, and he sighed in relief at the same moment the guy let him go.

"There you go," the stranger murmured, smiling down at Simon. Simon glanced up into his almost golden colored eyes, swallowing nervously.

"Th-Thank you." He fumbled, blushing furiously. Why the hell was he blushing again? God, he was an idiot. it was probably just the embarrassment, of course. Now Daniel probably did think he was a faggot. Even if that meant Daniel would back off, because really, the stranger was much bigger than both of them, it did bother him to know that the football team would probably be aware of his supposed sexuality now. "Uh...I should go." He added in, his normal attitude setting back in as he moved around the older male and headed towards his apartment building.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I did not just help the damsel in distress to receive nothing in return." He heard a voice call out, causing him to whirl around.

"Excuse me?" Simon demanded, his eyes filled with anger. "I'm no damsel in distress. I could've handled that on my own!"

The guy just laughs. "Oh yeah? Mister five-foot-three thinks he could take on that big burly football player?"

"I'm five-four!" Simon yelled, causing the male to laugh even harder.

"Ohohoh...big difference. I apologize."


"I've been called worse, you little nugget."

"Oh yeah? Well...just leave me alone!" Simon stammered unhappily.

"I would be stupid to let a cutie like you go just because of one measly rejection."

This caused Simon to freeze up. Was this dude seriously flirting with him? Did he not realize he was a guy as well? What the fuck was happening? Was he being serious? "I'm a male, just FYI, and I really don't go that way, so if you would please, leave me alone, and back off." He forced a smile before turning around, jogging towards his apartment building.

"Can I get your name?" He heard the male call from a little ways back. Simon just kept walking.

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