Damaged Futher

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Addie and I sat together in all our classes. She still had a difficult time writing being late September, but managed well. Her writing, even still, was neater than mine.

After classes Ron Hermione and I walked to the common room together. There was Addilyn in a corridor with a girl our age. She was with a Slytherin. I've never seem her before. She had long dark straight hair with long slanted bangs that veiled her eyes. She wore winged eyeliner and a black jacket with black skinny jeans and combat boots. An interesting comparison next to Addie who wore her long curls down and pushed over one shoulder, a sky blue shirt that was longer on one side than the other, a blue and white infinity scarf, worn dark blue jeans and knee high boots with buckles.

Addilyn...was friends with a Slytherin girl who kept to herself all the time, hardly talked, never let any one in and spent her days buried in books...

The next morning was Saturday...Quidditch tryouts are today. I met up with Addie walking out of the commons. We were in our red Quidditch robes once again. Her hand was still wrapped. "You think you'll be able to play?" "I'll find out." her voice was heavy with disappointment.

From where I was Addie played great. She was trying to avoid Wood's glare. She didn't pay much attention to her wrist or at least...tried not to.


I heard what sounded arguing in Professor Mcgonnagall's office. I pressed my ear against the door and listened. I recognized the voices to be Oliver, Professor Mcgonnagall, Madam Pomfrey, and Addie. "Well my inference is that when your father grabbed you, Addie, it strained the ligament and partially tore it. That is referred to as a Grade 2 strain. Playing yesterday, stressed the ligament more and tore it resulting in a Grade 3 strain." Madam Ponfrey's voice was low and worried.

"I need her on the team...she's our best chaser." Wood was paniked, I could tell. He hid it well though. Addie tried reasoning with Madam Pomfrey and Mcgonnagall, "Can't I just wrap it really tight?" "Relax you two we can find someone to replace Addilyn until it's healed." Mcgonnagall's voice was soothing and calm and stern. Oliver was frustrated at this, "With who? Addie is our strongest chaser...the team's at a disadvantage without her." "I understand your upset, Wood, but I can fix her wrist she would only miss the first match."

"Yeah, that can't happen the first match is against Slytherin." Addie stated. Madam pomfrey purposed an argument, "You can break your wrist if you continue to play."

I heard light footsteps walking towards the door. I hid behind the corridor wall and saw Ads walking in the opposite direction.
"Poor Addie, she must be torn." said Ginny after I told her Hermione and Ron. we were all sitting in the Gryffindor common room.
"About what?" Addie questioned as she walked in just in time to hear ginny. Hermione stood up. "We heard you couldn't play Quidditch due to what your dad did." Addie laughed lightly. "It's not that bad...I'm still going to play, you don't think I'm actually going I stop because it's 'not safe'...do you?"

Ginny stood up next to Hermione, "Is it worth it...you would only miss the first few practices and maybe the first game." Addilyn smiled at Ginny. "You just proved my point we can't lose the first match...especially to Slytherin." We locked eyes, "I think that if Ads says she can play...she should." Hermione, Ron, and Ginny stared at me like I was crazy.

"Thank you." she said picking up her jacket, turned and left. I smiled but not for long. As soon as Addie left the rest started yelling at me 'Do you want her to get hurt...what are you thinking??? she might damage it for good!!!' "It's Addie's call...she said she could play...and I believe her."

The only classes Addie was in were Potions, and DADA. Why those two?Addie was no where to be found for the next 3 days. The only time I saw her consistently, was at practice. After every Quidditch practice, she looked to be in more pain. Wood constantly checked up on her. She always told him she was fine, he never believed her, but still let her play.

Hermione and Ginny rushed up to me in the corridor on my way to the library. Out of breath Ginny managed to breathlessly verbalized, "Addie...was...in...the library...with.........her....." "Who?" I questioned. Hermione stepped in to clarafy, "The...Slytherin girl..." "So...Addie can't be friends with a Slytherin?" They stared at me, "it's strange and their not even alike...in any way." I posed another argument, "they both read." Hermione shook her head, "Yes...but Addie reads in foreign languages."

I left them to ponder 'the mysterious friendship' and went to the library to find a book I needed for Transfiguration.

I scanned the row of books a familiar sound stopped me. In the next isle over a rude snide and condescending voice pierced the air.

Draco Malfoy.

"You Unworthy Pureblood, what a disappointment to Salazar Slytherin you are, you pathetic whore. You worthless bitch-"

"Shut the fuck up Draco!" A girl snapped back. She sounded familiar. I recognized her to be Viktoriya. Addilyn's friend...

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