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Harry's POV...................

I watched the snow fall...6 more days until Christmas break. I saw cho. after everyone left the room of requirements. she was upset. I approached her "you okay?" I asked she was upset thinking of Cedric. at the mention of his name I thought more of Addilyn. her name hadn't left my mind since our fight a few days ago. I kept her wand in my pocket. I started to think of her I wasn't focused on what cho was saying.

"Mistletoe" Cho said looking up. I did too and saw it. thoughts of Ads encased my mind I didn't realized cho's lips and mine, connected. I thought of it being Addie I was kissing and my hand touched her wand in my pocket. Then I realized why I had the wand and realized i wasn't kissing Addie and I pulled away.

I tried to be nice about it and get out as soon as possible. I wanted to find Addilyn.

I searched-couldn't find her. 11 days she was no where to be found. everyone went home for Christmas break. I was sitting the common room in a trance thinking of Addie as I twirled her wand in between my fingers.

Cherry wood Dragon heart string 13in firm.
That's the type of wand she has.

"Still no word on her?" I snap back to reality and see Hermione looking at me with a worried expression. I shook my head 'no'.

"Don't worry, harry, she'll turn up she can't disappear forever." I sighed, "I messed up Hermione, I should have let her be. I should have let her get her thoughts straight. I shouldn't have pushed her or said what I did." I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. Hermione sat next to me on the couch. "it's okay harry, Addilyn is independent and a lot of things have just happened and there're starting to sink into her. she just needs some time, but she can take care of herself." I nodded but still didn't find comfort in that.

I went to Hagrid's the next morning through the heavy falling snow that covered everything. I was hoping he had seen Addie. I walked into his warm hut. "Hello Harry, what brings you here in this weather?" He sat down and I joined him. "I was wondering if you had seen Addie in the past few days?"

He shook his head "Addie, yes. I got a letter from her. Emma dropped it off this morning and she came by a few hours ago." my eyes lit up.

"what did she say?"
"She asked for unicorn hair and came by to get it."

"Didn't say why... just said she needed it."
"That's it?"

"Yes, why is something wrong?"

"I don't know you're the only one to hear from her in the past few days. no one can find her."

"Shouldn't you know where she is? Aren't you two together?" I shook my head "no. we just broke up." he nodded in sympathy. "sorry about the breakup there harry." I nodded and thanked him and left.

I figured with only a handful of people in the school it wouldn't be that hard to find her but 3 more days passed and its like she completely vanished into thin air. 14 days that girl was no where to be found. I still kept her wand in my pocket.

I was in the common room when suddenly Addilyn walked in. her eyes fixed on me. I stared back at her and noticed her tear stained cheeks.
"I believe you have my wand...I need it back."

I stood up and handed it over to her. I wanted to pull her into my arms, but once she regained possession of her wand, she turned and left.

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