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Vik...where the hell was she?
I tracked down Draco. he was outside. I rushed up to him the crisp cold air hitting me as a few snowflakes drifted in the wind.
"Malfoy." I said stopping a good distance from him. "How dare you, a half blood talking to their superiors in such a tone?." He smirked. his friends laughing. I stormed up to him and shoved him. "don't give me that shit where is she?" I yelled he regained his balance and looked taken aback.

His mood changed. He stepped closer to me, so only I could hear him speak "meet me outside the Slytherin common room in exactly 5 min. don't let anyone see you." he whispered, then walked away.

I did exactly what he said I snuck through the corridors and exactly 5 min later I was there. Draco emerged from the common room stepping back to let me inside. we didn't speak. I followed him to the boys dormitories. walking in, I saw her.

She was limply lying on Draco's bed probably unconscious and covered with dried blood.

"I'll be back in 7 minutes." I said before running out. I sprinted to the Gryffindor common room, grabbed my black bag and ran to lupin's classroom. I threw some of my potions and serums in the bag. I had extra gauze for my wrist that I threw in too.

I started to race back to the Slytherin tower when someone stepped out in front of me. I halted to a stop looking up to see Proffeser Dumbledore standing in my way.

"Addilyn, where might you be off to at such a speed?" I smiled. "profferor, great seeing you but, if you don't mind someone is waiting on me." he didn't protest and I was thankful for that. he stepped aside and I continued to run.

Draco let me in again and I rushed to Vik's side and got to work.

I was there for 2 hours. Vik was still unconscious and Draco was watching over my shoulder. the room was silent during those 2 hours. "you should go." he said "you'll get caught if your here any longer. I nodded stood up and grabbed my bag. "I'll be back soon to change her bandages and put new stuff on her." I said and he nodded leading me out.

I was mixing together more potions for Vik in Lupin's room when something caught my attention. harry was leaning against the door frame. there was a lot crowding my mind I really didn't want to talk to anyone. "are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I snapped now looking up at him. he walked in the room. "Addilyn?" He questioned. "what harry?" I hissed not meaning to.

He was now frustrated. "what the hell? why do you let yourself get to this point? How come you don't say anything to anyone? What the hell is wrong with you? don't you realize you can't handle everything on your own?" He shouted at me. he never raised his voice at me. I was just stressed and mad.

"Oh, I'm sorry if you don't know every thing going on in people's lives! So what is it harry, you think I can't take care of myself?" I shouted. he shook his head. "Addilyn, stop you're a mess I'll help you." he said trying to calm me down.

"Shutup!" I screamed and threw my wand at him. It was the first thing I grabbed. he took a step back. "Fine, see what I care, I won't give a shit when you crash and burn."

At this, I was infuriated. "What do you care? Hell I don't need you."

"Screw it Addilyn I'm fucking done with you!" He shouted back at me before storming out. I collapsed to the floor tears now streaming down my face. Then I noticed, he took my wand.

The Insider: the second book to CaptivatedWhere stories live. Discover now