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5 months later:

Addie's POV.....................

It's now May and I really haven't talked to anyone except Vik and Lupin since December. I was alone in Lupin's room letting my mind drift off to the string of events in the winter as I stare the model of the solar system and watch the planets and their moons rotate and revolve around the model sun. I think just how many hours I've spent watching it throughout the years.

The only light is from the candles that look like human vertebrae. I love those spine candles. I stood leaned up against the wall my arms crossed over my chest. the room is silent and dim but there is just enough light for me to see my right wrist tilted towards me. I look down at it and see, through all my bracelets, the scars I've put there. I feel a tear fall down my cheek and I wipe another one that follows.

I adjust my bracelets to hide them. I'm counting down the days until summer and dreading each passing one. I hate my father, he just won't die he keeps drinking and he is still here. Like me, I kept trying to leave but somehow, I'm still here.
I mean...what the hell?

I walk out of the room with no particular destination in mind. I was stopped in a corridor by a familiar face that I wouldn't expect to see here...Mr. Weasley.
"Addilyn, I need to talk to you." He says to me.
"Mr. Weasley, what are you doing here?"
I really didn't listen to his answer something about a ministry meeting in the castle due to recent events that apparently occurred while I was...on my own.

Anyway, Mr. Weasley was then leading me to an empty room and a moment later Lupin walks in.

"Addilyn," Mr. Weasley begins,
"There is something you need to know before you go back home for the summer." I glance at Lupin then back at Mr. Weasley as he continues.
"The ministry has annual holiday party's. and you know that professor Lupin and I have been good friends for many years now and so I invited him to one of these party's about 15 years ago. Of course your father brought your mother and they had someone at the house to watch Cedric who at the time was 2 years old at the time. I'll allow Remus to take it from here."
He concluded gesturing to Lupin who shifted a little.

"I saw your mother and we talked for some time that night." he looked away from me but not for long. a small smile played on his lips as Lupin continued. You are so much like your mother. you have the same contagious laugh and that smile that's brighter than sunlight. you have her rich colored brown delicate curled hair with the hidden touches of red and honey gold. Your hazel eyes shine just like her's did. "

I smiled picturing my mother in my mind standing in the kitchen as she talked to me. the memories of my childhood rushed back. I was pulled from my trance as Lupin continued...

"I made the mistake of falling in love and she did the same. this might be a little much for you and there is no other way for me to put it. Jenelle and I had an affair that night and you, Addilyn, are my biological daughter. how you ended up a wizard is pure magic."

(*jenelle is my mother's name)

Silence fell over us I glanced between the two men then look over at Lupin.
"Okay," I began, "so your telling me that you are my actual father and I have no direct relation to the abusive maniac that I've called my dad for 15 years."

"I'm sorry, but yes that is all true." Lupin replied.
"No, no don't be sorry I mean just why didn't you tell me sooner that I'm your daughter? I mean, you've been my teacher for 2 years."

"Well I was going to tell you, but then Cedric and Jenelle died and I didn't have the heart to you that the only family you had left wasn't actually family, then, I realized he started to abuse you and of like to get you out of there."

I pondered then asked him "so, then where am I to go for the summer?"
He smiled at me. "Well, you are my daughter therefore Tonks is your stepmother, so that makes us your family, so you can choose."

I smiled "oh my god, so I don't ever have to put up that pyscho again." I said referring to my 'father'
"Yeah, I would like to take my daughter home before she goes back to school next year." I laughed and Lupin smiled.

Mr. Weasley cut in "well I have to return to the ministry pleasure seeing you again Addilyn."
"Pleasure seeing you too Mr. Weasley." I said as he exited the room.

"Well Addie, I have to attend a meeting with the other staff but I will be back in my classroom in 2 hours and we can start packing up some things."


I stood there by myself for a moment my mood lighted thinking of what just happened.

Vik...I have to tell Vik.

I knew she would be in library. so, I ran there. there is one corner in the back of the library that no one occupies except Vik and I. we spend hours there. neither one of us knows why it's so vacant back there. that's were all the best books are. we think...

I reached our corner and Vik was there engrossed in a book. "Vik" she looked up at me
"Okay so my dad isn't actually my dad and Lupin is."
I rushed the words together not believing them myself. she looked at me like I was crazy.
"Okay okay..." I said starting to laugh a little and she smiled. I continued
"Lupin and my mother had an affair 15 years ago and uh yeah he's my dad."
"Okay wait..." Vik started. "Professor Lupin and your mother had sex and he is your biological father?"


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