Star gazers

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Addie's POV...................

Harry and I walked out to the courtyard and laid down on our backs. We gazed up at night sky littered with stars. The air is still until his voice breaks the silence.

"How are you?" He asks yet I could tell he was looking for a more sincere answer than your typical 'good'. "I'm okay." I simply state. "No, Ads, how are you really?" What the hell did he find out? "Why do you ask?" He takes a deep breath. "Just tell me the truth about everything." I laughed a little. "harry, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Look" he said sitting up straight. "tell me okay I came across something from someone and I want to hear it from you what's up?" I join him sitting up.

"okay..." I begin a bit shaky, "you know about my wrist." I say gesturing to my bandaged hand. "um...that's not the only thing that happened over the summer..." my voice is shaking and weak. nevertheless, I continue, "okay, so, I- father is and alcoholic, he is crazy, and drunk, and dangerous, and overall completely insane. It's just him and I however, and one night, we got into an argument and there was an empty vodka bottle on the counter..." I stopped. I didn't mean to...I just did. I looked up at the stars hoping this conversation was over.

"And..." he persist. "and...he grabbed it and he swung it and it hit the back of my neck and I was out cold and I lost a lot of blood but madam Pomfrey stitched it up so I guess it's okay now." it came out fast and quieter than I had hoped. his face was expressionless. then, it turned to sympathy. I feel his hand grab mine, softly holding it on his.

"What about you? How are things in your world?" I ask. he looks up at me. "same story every year." he replies I sort of smiled and he returned it.

We lie back down looking at the stars. harry gently rolls on top of me supporting himself up on his arms.

Slowly, he leans down and his lips are on mine moving in sync to eachother.

He pulls back. I stare into his green eyes. he is still so close to me.

"I love you...okay?" He asks.
"okay." I respond.
being told I'm loved, is so unfamiliar.

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