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Miyah pov {5 days later}
Once I got back to my grandma house, I saw her sitting on the couch. "Where have you been? Who was that boy?" She asked standing up looking at me. I sighed and rubbed my head. "Alright You know so now im telling you that was Javier my boyfriend Thats who i been staying nights with- Miyah You havent even graduated yet talking about staying with a boy!" She yelled as I groaned. "Groan again watch I snatch your tongue out your mouth, Whats wrong with your girl. Be ready to tell Devin you sneaking out this house with a lil boy." She said as I teared up. "Grandma no no no no please dont tell him." I said as she shook her head. "Too late you messing around with that lil boy arent you!" She said looking at me as I looked down and nodded my head. "You using protection?" She asked as i shook my head. "Go to your room!" She yelled pushing me as I ran upstairs.
Devin pov
My phone rung as I hopped back in the car.
Phone conversation
Me: wassup ma
Ma: you headed home right? You know your children done got outta hand Spring break they think they grown
Me: yeah I'll be there ina hour, what happen
Ma: Melody and the whole boyfriend situation then Miyah sneaking out my house to stay with some lil boy and messing with this boy and havent even used protection
I automatically got mad as I processed in what she said when she got to the messing around part. "Devin calm down." Kira said as I shook my head
Ma: helloo?
Kira: we hear you Ma
Ma: Devin dont go out and do nothing crazy
Me: im on my way over
End of conversation
"Devin she's 18- Kira I dont care she not about to follow in her moma footsteps cuz thats all she doing and Im not finna allow none of that while im still living." I said as Kira agreed. "But you can at least talk to her Devin I can see if she was Melody them age- Im done with the conversation im not allowing the shit period." I said dropping the conversation as she put her headphones in. After an hour once we got to the house I walked in with Kira on my heel. "Miyah get down here!" My mama yelled as I sat down. You think this shit cute dont it?" I asked calmly as she slowly smiled. "So its a game to you huh?" I said hitting her with the belt. "No no no. Its not im sorry." She said backing up against the wall. "Call the rest of them over." I yelled as Kira got up and went into the kitchen. Kira pov
I texted Kingston letting him know to come over and bring his sister. I poured me a glass of wine as Miyah screams filled the living room. After 10 mins the other children walked in. "Melody you think you grown now where you can lay up to?" He asked as I sat back ona couch and hugged Deavion as he climbed in my lap covering his face. "No." She screamed starting to cry. "Boys room now!" Ma yelled as Raf and King ran upstairs. "Aht Aht where you going sit down this not over." Ma said grabbing Miyah and pulling her back down on the couch as Devin continued to whoop Melody. "Alright Devin thats enough." Ma said stopping him. "Shut it up now." She said pointing to them as they continued to cry. Once Devin sat down he grabbed Deavion out my arms. They both got up starting to go upstairs until Ma stopped them. "Where yall think y'all going?" Ma asked as they stood in front of us. "Whats y'all purpose for the whole boyfriend situation huh?" I asked looking at them as they shook their head. "Laying up aint gone make a nigga stay, Miyah look at you, you're 18, you pretty, baby you about to graduate, the last thing that should be on your mind is a nigga, And Melody you not even 16 yet should I pull the keys already?" I yelled as she shook her head. "Answer her!" Ma yelled as their sniffles filled the room. "Miyah I was your age when I had Melody and King baby still in high school right before graduation. Ma had to keep our babies just so I could even walk across that stage. Is that what you want? Having babies at your age isnt fun at all. All the partying and everything we use to do I couldnt do it anymore all the shopping and stuff I like to do expensive shoes allat I cant do that no more. Why? Because I got children to take care of but tell me them party nights where was Devin?" I said looking at them. "Out partying." Melody mumbled. "Out partying he aint have to carry them for 8 months I did, a baby aint gone keep a nigga and the route you going thats where you headed. Your mama had you at 16 at least you did a little better than her what im saying is do better. Do better than me, do better than your mother." I said as she nodded her head. "And Melody the route you going baby you wont have a summer keep it up wimme, I'll pull the cellphone, laptop, keys and all then send you back to the country. Thats where you wanna go?" I asked as she shook her head. "It aint over when you get home the rest of your Spring break gone be in that room." I said as she looked at me. "Lemme hear a moan or groan it'll be another week nie get the fuck out my face." I said rolling my eyes as Melody stormed out the room. "That goes for you to." Ma said as Miyah looked at Devin. "Actually I have some to say." She said as Devin put Deavion on the floor. "I actually wanted him to meet you guys he isnt all that bad." She said lowly as I looked at Devin and everybody else came in. "Let some of this calm down then consider us meeting him." Ma said as Miyah walked out the room. "You straight man." Keith said as Devin nodded his head. "Yall letting them slide a whole lot i remember you use to be strict as fuck on that girl." Ma said as I shook my head. "I know thats my fault been so busy with other shit I haven't really been on they ass that much about anything at hone they're fine they do what I say, clean up without me asking and everything." I said as Devin shook his head. "You ready to go?" Devin asked as I shrugged. "We'll see you tomorrow Ma." I said hugging her and following keith outside. "Yall still going out tonight?" Keith asked walking me to the car. "I dont even know the way his mood set up I doubt it." I said shrugging as Devin came to the car. "hit me up if you still going to that party bra." Keith said as he hopped in the car. "Oh im innat, I'll meet y'all there." He said before pulling off
Kira pov
The whole ride to my house was quiet. "This doesnt make sense." He mumbled as I looked at him. "What?" I said looking at him. "Going from house to house. You can just come back to the house- No." i said looking at him. "Kira it wont make a difference you not finna stay out here ina woods by yourself anything can happen and I wont know shit- It doesnt matter if you be here every night anyway." I said as he sighed. "Im just saying this a waste of time." He said as I crossed my arms. "But you dont have to deal with it, you just choosing to." I said as he pulled up to my house. "What you just say?" He said looking at me. I looked at him then got out the car grabbing my things and going into the house as he followed. "The fuck you saying Kira, them other options you claim you got dead cuz I aint going no where none of your other niggas gone be in my kids life either." He said as I climbed in the shower ignoring every word he was saying. "Whatever Devin." I said grabbing my body wash as he walked out the bathroom.

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