Chp. 1

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This is a disclaimer that this story was written between 2014-2016 and DOES NOT reflect my writing style today. There are a lot of things wrong with it, and it is VERY cringe, but I will not be editing or taking it down simply because I will be crucified by my readers if I do, so please, if you wish for the OG AMA to remain available, keep this in mind!

*CW* LOTS of profanity, emotional and physical abuse, r-word usage, biphobic dialogue, underage drinking, drug usage, and a lot of other ill-shit *CW*

I heard the pounding of his large feet against the wooden floor, sending chills up my spine as I listened carefully. He was home, and by the sound of his stumbling footsteps I could tell he was pretty drunk too.

I heard my mom's voice fill the eerie void of sound, "Where have you been?"

My dad must've been pretty wasted because I could hear him trying to muster up a response for my mother. I had to admit, he had to be pretty good to walk up those stairs at 2:20 in the morning completely shitfaced.

"I told youuu... I went out wiitth my frieendss," I heard my dad slur as I sat silently in my bed eavesdropping.

It was sad really, my dad was an alcoholic who seemed to be trying to drink himself to death and my mom pretty much hated me. She never told me she hated me, but ever since the day she caught me with a girl she's been a completely different person towards me. I tended to avoid her, which was sad, but at least when my dad was sober we could have civil conversations.

"Sam came in at 1:00 in the morning smelling like weed," I heard my mom confess, and I cursed silently under my breath.

I knew she wouldn't fucking keep that from him, God she was such a bitch. I rolled over in my bed, covering my body and pretending to sleep as I heard my dad walk down the hallway towards my room.

I listened to his rapid footsteps which seemed to be in sync with my heart, which was beating quite fast now. I took a few deep breaths to try and slow my heart but it was no use, and I heard the door slam open, startling me.

I really hated when he was this drunk.

"You gooot high Samantha?"

I cringed at my full name, knowing he was pissed by the look in his eyes. He was awfully drunk, and I could smell the alcohol on him as he stepped towards me. I sat up in my bed, attempting to seem calm and collected, but there was no getting out of this.

"Dad, it's nothing, I can explain-"

All of a sudden I felt a hard slap across my face, and I refused to cry out in pain as I fell onto my bed. The stinging his hand had left on my cheek burned, and I rubbed it as I felt tears of anger and pain form in my eyes.

I woke up startled, gasping for air as I muttered to myself, "Fuck you, dad."

It was only a bad dream.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now