Chp. 54

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I was currently dragging my feet across the street to the softball field where I would assist the softball girls once again. I didn’t want to be here, but the only thing I ever looked forward to was seeing Megan, so being out in the thirty degree weather would be worth it.

At least that’s what I was saying now.

I rounded the corner and onto the field, seeing her talking with coach Lee and then glancing over to me. She was bundled up with thick sweaters and a beanie, her hair pulled back in a low pony-tail to keep it out of her face.

Then the familiar feeling came to me and suddenly I grew hot under her short gaze. I had never gotten too flustered by a girl, I always seemed to manage my cool and collected state, but it was different with Megan. I didn’t know why, but analyzing it would only confuse me further, and I really didn’t want that.

I knew I felt different about her and that was enough for me, at least for right now.

Then before I knew it I was bombarded by three or four girls, and two of them were Emma and Becca. I heard Emma’s voice first, “How was your week long break? Does your head still hurt?”

I looked at her, “You sound so worried.”

She smiled, “You know I’ll always be worried.”

Then I looked into Becca’s eyes, seeing a ray of excitement, “Glad you’re okay.”

I smiled at her, “It wasn’t that bad, honestly. I just had a concussion.”

Emma shook her head, “Just a concussion? Sam you dropped to the ground so hard when that ball hit you, we thought you died.”

I rolled my eyes, “It’ll take a lot more than a knock on the head to kill me.”

Emma and the other two outfielders left, leaving Becca and I alone to continue walking towards the dugout. She sighed, “So have you managed to talk to the mystery girl?”

I glanced at Megan who was glancing at me Becca, smiling, “I did, actually.”

Becca curiously asked, “So how’d it go?”

I nodded, looking back at her, “Great actually, we admitted we both like each other.”

Becca seemed to force a slight smile, but then covered it up with another response, “So are you two like a thing…?”

It was the ultimate question I had been so afraid of answering. Megan and I obviously weren’t a thing but did we even want that? Did I want to have Megan and only Megan until she possibly didn’t want me? It was a scary thing to think about, commitment I mean, and I wasn’t the best at it.

But maybe I shouldn’t think to rash considering the truth had only come out four days ago.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now