Chp. 60

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~ ~ ~ ~SAM’S POV~ ~ ~ ~

I awoke the next morning needing to use the bathroom so I pulled myself up and quietly made my way, trying not to wake Megan. It was only Monday and I was wondering what exactly we were planning on doing today considering we hadn’t really discussed it.

I finished and looked at myself in the mirror, and for some odd reason I just looked… different.

It was a good different, but usually when I woke up I had bags under my eyes, and I had always had this tired and worn out look on me, but recently I hadn’t. I had a new glow to me, as if everything about me just somehow renewed, and I felt good.

I tried to pin a reason as to why but the only thing I could think of was me getting better sleep, and I realized whenever I slept next to Megan I slept the entire night. When I slept alone I would toss and turn for hours and wake up in the middle of the night, as if I was restless even though I was exhausted.

But when I was next to Megan I felt calm and safe, which allowed me to finally relax and apparently have the best night’s sleep possible.

I couldn’t help but smile at the thought.

I walked back into the bedroom, seeing Megan still sleeping and curled up in the sheets. I couldn’t help but feel something warm in my chest, something that made me melt on the inside. She honestly looked so fucking peaceful and adorable that it was painfully cute, and I swear I could’ve just watched her for hours.

But that would be fucking creepy Sam…

I scooted myself back into the bed, close to Megan and I felt her shift, wrapping one of her arms around my torso and pulling me into her. I smiled at her warmth and watched her eyes travel up to my own, allowing me to feel that familiar sense of admiration I had towards Megan. One second she could be the sexiest person you’ve ever laid your eyes on, and then the next she could be the most adorable and really make you melt in her hand.

Either way I was crazy about both.

She whispered, “What time is it?”

I glanced at the clock and whispered, “It’s only 8:30.”

She turned on her stomach, resting on top of mine as she smiled, “Would you want to go run along the bay with me today?”

I ran my hands through her dark hair, pulling it out of her face as I answered, “You want to run on vacation?”

She nodded, “It looks beautiful outside.”

I repeated, “You want to run on vacation?”

She smirked as she tilted her head, “What, scared you won’t be able to keep up?”

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now