Chp. 22

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The morning came quickly as I walked to the kitchen, putting on the usual coffee for Sam and I. I could hear her moving around in her room along with her alarm clock that played her classic rock while she got dressed.

It had already been two days since we had been completely alone in this apartment and things were going surprisingly well. It was scary, really, because nothing involving Sam went well for long.

Oh that sounded really bitchy.

I began my morning routine as I showered and dressed, gathering my things and checking my phone for any possible texts or calls. The only thing I had was a text from Shawn saying everything was going well and asking how Sam was doing.

Nothing from Nikki.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of her, realizing Nikki wasn't the one to text and call me every day. She never was like that, especially now. She would be in town Friday, which meant that was the day she would possibly reach out to me.

But did I really want to see her? What good would come out of meeting up with her besides getting to see her flawless face one more time? And why would she want to meet up anyway?

I walked out of the room seeing Sam fixing her usual, allowing me to take her in quickly before she noticed me. She had actually dressed a little heavier today, with her long-sleeved T shirt hugging her torso in all the right places. Her jeans also hugged her legs, complimented with a pair of boots, giving her the typical Sam Carson "don't fuck with me" look.

She turned softly, sipping her mug as she looked at me, making something deep inside me shiver. She ran her hand through her soft messy blonde hair as she leaned back on the cabinet, "Morning."

I smiled at her good mood, knowing she didn't have them often if she was up before noon. I walked closer, pouring my coffee, "Morning Sam."

"Slept better last night?"

I nodded, wondering how she managed to be so cool with our situation. Maybe she was used to me being here, which was understandable, but I was still adjusting.

"Much better, what about you?"

She put her coffee cup down, "Megan, I had the weirdest fucking dream ever. I was screwing some chick on a pool table and the walls were melting, and then you walked in and like, assigned me homework. It was so weird."

I couldn't help but laugh, "I think your subconscious is calling me a cock-block."

She shrugged, "Remember that time you picked me up from Jinx for my birthday? You were a cock-block then."

I recalled the memory well, remembering how awkward and disappointed I had almost been whenever Sam had almost left with that random girl. I sighed in slight embarrassment, "Yes, I remember, I'm sorry."

She laughed, sipping her coffee as she shrugged it off, "She was pretty disappointed."

"You were too."

She nodded, "Well yea, I mean it was my birthday and my history teacher shows up in my brother's car, cock-blocks me, and then forces me to go to school the next day. Of course I was disappointed."

Now that she had put it that way I felt bad doing that to her, "I was a bit harsh."

She laughed sarcastically, "Just a tad."

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now