Chp. 58

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“Sam, would you mind going pick Megan up? I can’t find my damn presentation mic.”

I watched Shawn dart through every room in the apartment searching for whatever the hell he was talking about. I figured he was just nervous we were gonna miss our flight but we honestly had plenty of time, considering it was seven in the morning when our flight wasn’t till eleven.

I was packed and ready to go, and we seemed to have everything in the car already besides Shawn’s other necessities.

I responded, “Okay.”

I grabbed my keys and shot out the door, cranking my car up and turning up the radio. I was ready to get the hell out of this town, and we would be gone for about a week so it would be plenty of time for me to unwind.

And I would get an entire week with Megan to myself.

It didn’t take long for me to get to Megan’s apartment considering it was early as fuck and no one was on the road. I jogged up the steps and knocked on her door, hearing her shuffling around on the other side.

She opened the door, smiling, “Good morning.”

I stepped into her hallway, closing the door behind me as I grabbed her waist, extremely excited to see her. I responded, “Morning beautiful.”

I kissed her lips, feeling the emptiness I felt without Megan fill-in immediately. I sighed in relief as I pulled her into me, deepening the kiss just a little as she gave into me. Her soft hands were caressing my face as I found myself getting carried away in her presence, and my heart was slamming against my chest as we continued to kiss.

She pulled away then, “I think we’re getting carried away.”

I mumbled into her lips, “Trust me, this isn’t getting carried away.”

She looked at me, still holding my face in her hands, “We shouldn’t stress Shawn out any more than he already is cause I know he’s probably triple checking to make sure he has everything.”

I laughed at how well Megan knew my brother, and I nodded, “I guess you’re right.”

“I’m always right.”

I parted from her, grabbing her suitcase and offering, “I’ll go throw this in my car.”

She smiled, “Okay, I only have to grab my laptop and then I’m good to go.”

I hauled her suitcase down stairs and shoved it into my trunk, watching her walk down the stairs with her laptop bag slung over her shoulder. She just looked so good all the time, and since it was warming up she had denim skinny jeans and a white v-neck on, showing just enough cleavage to tease me.

Sometimes I thought she did it on purpose.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now