Chp. 33

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“Holy shit Sam, that’s like what, the fifth time you two have kissed?!”

I looked down at my hands, replaying the incident in my head over and over. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened, and the more I thought about Megan having alone time with Nikki the more annoyed I got.

Why had I even kissed her in the first place?

I shook my head, “It’ll probably be the last, no doubt this time. She didn’t expect it but, I had no idea what else to do.”

Blair looked at me while sitting beside me on her bed, “Sam, I’m glad you kissed her, and you telling her to think about that when she was with Nikki? That was pure fucking genius.”

I smiled a little, liking the boasting Blair was giving me, but I knew it was still a mistake. Megan didn’t need someone like me in her life, she had enough issues as it was. The last thing she needed was some crazy nineteen year old student to worry about who had twice as many issues as her.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair, “I don’t know, I don’t know anything Blair. I don’t know what I’m feeling or why I got so upset. I don’t understand any of it…”

Blair took my hand, “I’m here for you, okay? And you can talk to me about whatever you’re feeling Sam, don’t think you have to hold it all in.”

I glanced down at my phone again, almost expecting Megan to text me and virtually yell at me through a phone. I expected some kind of repercussion almost immediately and the suspense was killing me.

Because I knew Megan wouldn’t just let this slide.

Then I heard the doorbell ring.

I looked up at Blair, “Anthony’s here?”

Blair nodded, running to the mirror and fixing herself up a bit while I smiled at her nervousness. She was anxious, which was a good thing obviously because she liked this guy a lot.

Blair looked at me, “Don’t say anything stupid.”

I nodded, “Yes ma’am.”

I followed her downstairs to the front door and waited patiently as she opened it, revealing a very tall and good looking guy waiting outside.

His dark complexion let me know he was at least partially Spanish decent, with his short styled black hair and dark brown eyes. I hadn’t pictured him like this, but thinking back to his full name I realized I should’ve known better.

He smiled, “Blair, I’m guessing this is Sam?”

Blair nodded as Anthony stuck out his hand, “I’m Anthony Garcia, but seriously call me Tony.”

I shook his hand, “Sam Carson.”

He nodded, “I remember you, from the party I mean, where I met Blair.”

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now