Chp. 27

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After the sketchy encounter with Nikki I hadn’t known what exactly to do. I had told Megan when I got home but she seemed un-phased, as if she wasn’t worried one bit about Nikki going psycho.

She had actually seemed… happy.

As if she was happy Nikki still cared enough.

It frustrated me, because I felt as if Megan was slowly giving back into Nikki, like she was forgetting everything she did to her. It pissed me off because… well, I didn’t know why exactly pissed me off, I just pinned it on the fact that Nikki was crazy.

And I wanted better for Megan.

Then suddenly Megan was in front of me, tapping my shoulder, “I’m leaving, tryouts are over but Coach Lee wants to talk to you after you help pick up okay?”

I rolled my eyes, “Why don’t you have to help pick up?”

“Because I’m an adult and we’re not five years old on the playground? See you at home.”

Then she walked off, leaving me curious as to why she was being such a bitch to me. Like, for once couldn’t you just tell me what I did wrong instead of being a cold-shouldered bitch that speaks in riddles?

I walked over to Emma, helping her pick up all of the balls the freshmen had hit for hitting practice. I watched as she bent over, and she had even worn the shorts I liked.

She was the best.

Then she spoke, “Stop staring at my ass Sam.”

I rolled my eyes, “Why do you always think I’m staring at your ass?”

“Cause ninety-nine percent of the time you are.”


She turned around, looking at me as she threw some balls into the bucket. She smiled, “But I can’t stay too mad at you because you wore my favorite tank top.”

I smirked, “Just for you.”

She picked up the bucket of balls as I walked side by side with her to the equipment shed. She spoke, “So what did Miss Adams have to say to you?”

I looked at her, shrugging, “Coach Lee wants to talk to me before I go.”

Emma nodded, “You know, Miss Adams is pretty fine, I’m surprised you’re not lusting over her like the rest of the school’s population.”

I felt my skin run cold at the sentence, realizing I had felt pretty paranoid about Emma ever finding out Megan lived with me and that I kind of cared about her. Megan was so much more than a teacher to me and we all knew that.

Except Emma.

I nodded, playing it off, “Yea, must be the whole History teacher thing.”

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now