Chapter 2

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     Our story begins as Kena was four years old. Actually she was turning four that day. Kena woke up early for she always did that on her birthday. She was promised that today would be an even more special birthday than she had ever had before, and since she didn't remember anything from what happened at her previous three birthdays that was an easy promise to believe. She immediately got up and put on her favorite purple dress. She was now four and that meant she should be old enough to dress herself without help from her parents. After she was dressed she quickly ran to her parents' room and jumped on their bed. Her parents let out an oof as she spoke.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! It's my birthday, which means you gotta be awake!"

"Oh? We gotta, do we?" Her father asked.

"Yeah! Now get up! I want cake for breakfast!"

Trillie shook her head. "Nope. No cake for breakfast."

Kena put in her best pouty face, and seizing the the opportunity Padriel joined in the pouty face making.

"Pease mommy..."

"Yeah, Pease mommy!"

Trillie smiled at how pathetic her family looked, and yet she had the audacity to shake her head and refuse them cake for breakfast!

"If you have cake now then there will be no cake at your party. You want cake at your party, don't you?"


"Well then, how about we go eat your chocolate cereal."

(Author's note: Earth is not actually the only planet with chocolate.)


So, together they walked towards the kitchen. Kena sat down at the table with her father as Trillie made them breakfast. Together they ate as Kena told them her plan for the day, then Trillie smiled and told her what was actually going to happen taking care to actually put some things in that plan that Kena actually wanted to do. Evidently driving the vehicle didn't make the list.

When the party started Kena was out playing with her friends from the neighborhood. They were in the middle of playing a local game called 'rasslefrass'. They ran through the yard until Kena ran into her Paps.


"Happy birthday, Kena! What were you doing that caused you to not pay attention to where you were running?"


"Oh, I remember playing that when I was your age."

"You used to be my age?"

"You young whippersnapper! Of course is a used to be your age. I wasn't always so old and crotchety!"


"Basically someone who is always angry."

"You're always angry?"

"Yes, can't you tell?"


"Good, then I am hiding it well!"

"You're crazy, Paps."

"Yes I am, and don't you forget it! Now take me to your mother!"

"Aye aye, Paps!" She said as she grabbed his hand and ran off dragging him behind her.

"Mommy, I found a crazy man in the yard."

"A crazy m... Oh, hi dad."

"Good morning, Trillie."

Kena looked at Paps with a confused look on her face. "It's not morning, Paps, it is afta-noon."

"Oh, so it is. I'm sorry, I just got all caught up in the festivities."

"It's okay, Paps."

"So, what is next on the schedule? I haven't missed the giving of the gifts yet, have I?"

"Gifts are next!"

Trillie nodded her head as Kena ran off to gather her friends. Soon they were all gathered in the center room in a circle around Kena. They began to sing the Celangi birthday song.

You were born on this day

So we are here to say

Happy birthday to you

And may you have many more.

After the song was over they went around the circle and those that brought presents took turns giving them to her. Finally she made it to her parents' gift, which was traditionally saved for last, but she realized Paps hadn't given his present yet, and his were always the best. Her parents gave her an aleo, which is the Celangi equivalent of a bicycle only a little different. Finally Paps pulled out his present.

"Here you go, Kena. I saved the best for last."

Kena ripped open the wrapping paper and smiled as she pulled out an archery set.


"Calm down, Trillie! I'm giving her rules."

"You still shouldn't have given her that. I told you not to do it."

Paps ignored his daughter as he knelt next to Kena.

"Here are the rules. This bow and these arrows were made by me, so made sure they were safe. These will stay with me at all times, and every time I visit I will train you on how to use them. When you get older and know how to use them properly I will make you a real set. Finally I will get you a full sized set when you get big enough. How is that, Trillie?"

"I'm still not happy with her owning any form of weaponry."

"I own a weapon shop, Trillie, and it is my job as her Paps to spoil her. What else was I supposed to get her?"

"I'm still not happy, but I guess if you keep it with you, and you also have to agree to have either me or Padriel there during training sessions, then she can keep it."

Both Paps and Kena cheered. They were about to start the first lesson when Trillie called for the cake. Cake always beats archery lessons in the eyes of of a four year old and a grandfather with a sweet tooth.

After everyone left for the night Paps stayed behind to teach Kena not only how to shoot the bow, but also how to care for it, and even how to string her own bow. It seemed that Kena had a natural skill for archery that she inherited from her Paps.

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