Chapter 12

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Rogan smiled. A scout had just arrived saying that the girl and dragon were on their way. He would soon have his revenge.

"Separate and find somewhere to hide. I'll give you the signal."

Rogan watched as each of the twenty men he brought with him went into hiding. He then turned and his behind a rock on the right side of the entrance to the tunnel.


It was about mid-day when Kena and Orion left the city. They spent the night in town, and since she wasn't in a hurry to be back home, they rested for a while. It was just starting to get dark as they reached the tunnel. That was when they heard maniacal laughter.

"Mwahahahaha! Finally, I've caught you. I never thought a little girl like you and a baby dragon could cause so much trouble for me, but you have, and now you must pay for that."

After he said that Rogan pulled out his gun and fired. On his cue the rest of his crew popped out to begin firing. Upon seeing Rogan's gun Kena and Orion took off for cover. Surprised by the rest of the team Kena pulled out her bow and prepped it.

"We're surrounded, Orion. What should we do?"

"I don't know, Kena, but I'm not giving up without a fight, and I hope you don't either."

"I'm not planning on it. You cover me while I fire my arrows at them."

"I guess that's all we can do right now. Let me know if the plan changes."

"Sounds good. Ready?"

Orion nodded as he flew out in a charge against the enemy, breathing out fire as he went. Some of the less warrior-like group ran in fear and hid, while a few of the others fired at him. This took a lot of pressure off of Kena, so she broke cover, and let off her arrow as She ducked back behind the rock. Kena continued to fire her arrows, either killing or severely injuring her attackers, while Orion set a few on fire, burning them. Now only half the crew was still alive. Orion had rejoined Kena for a brief rest. Breathing fire took a lot of energy out of a dragon. He was just about to take off again when Rogan yelled across to them.

"You cursed children! How can you be so difficult to kill? Both of you should have been dead long by now!"

Orion did notice that they were strangely still alive. He'd had a couple of grazes, but Kena wasn't even marked at all. He wasn't complaining, and figured it was because he was quick, and Kena was hiding behind a rock unless she came out shooting.

"Well Orion, shall we go again?"

Orion nodded, but as soon as he left cover Rogan shot at him, and hit him. Orion collapsed on the ground.

"NO!" cried Kena as She broke cover to rush to him. She put her hand on him to stop the bleeding.

"Please Orion, you can't leave me alone."

She looked up remembering that she was in danger, and had expected to be shot by now, but nothing had come. When she looked up she quickly realized why. All the bullets coming towards her were hitting an invisible barrier. They couldn't touch her. That's when she remembered.

Kena had been in the basement when the dragons attacked. She had heard her mother's scream, and ran up to find her. She saw her mother dead, and she had gotten extremely angry. She rushed outside in her anger, and discovered a secret. Yelling out she sent a wave on the planet. She had sensed her family was all dead, and in a fit of rage she let out that wave that killed everyone else on the planet, humans and dragons. Only two had survived, Kena and Orion. That's what drew her to him in the first place. The one creature who was able to escape her wrath she had decided that she didn't want to be alone, long before she met Orion, so her imagination created all other life on this planet, all the people she had seen on her journey. She had hoped that it would bring her family back to life, but even subconsciously she had known they were dead, so she went to find her father to confirm. She hid away this memory. She had killed all those people, so she didn't want to remember. Now she did. Now she had control of the planet and all life on it, and now she realized that someone didn't belong here.

Kena stood up with a fire in her eyes, and a barrier to stop her from getting hurt. She let herself smirk as She saw the fear in Rogan's eyes.

"You do not belong on my planet."

With a snap of her fingers Rogan and his followers had never existed. The only people who would remember him would be Kena and Orion, and since they never existed Orion had never been shot. He quietly stood up and stared at Kena in surprise.

"I'll explain later. For now, let's go home."

Orion nodded, a little bewildered, as he and Kena began to walk back home, towards a world that no longer looked destroyed, because Kena preferred it back to normal.

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