Chapter 11

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After a few days Kena and Orion finally made it to the ocean. Now, connecting all the islands together was a train tunnel system, and with all the electrical systems dying with the attack Kena knew it would be safe to cross in the tunnel. The ocean separating Terria from the capital island of Acleon was small, so it wouldn't take long to cross. They spent the night on the beach of Terria before heading through the tunnel the next morning. It was shortly after lunch time when they made it to the other side. Kena knew that it was still another half a day’s walk to get to the capital city, but now she was this close, and she hoped that tonight she would be in her daddy's arms, and that he would be safe. Orion sniffed at the air as he walked. Something was wrong, and he knew it had been that way for a while, but was surprised that it didn't dawn on him until now. He wasn't sure what it was, but something was wrong. Neither Orion nor Kena saw the scout slip away from the shadows.


The young man who saw Kena and her dragon ran all the way back to Rogan. Rogan’s camp was in the middle of the dessert a mere 10 minute walk away from the tunnel. As he saw the scout approach he knew what he had to say.

“Sir, they're here they're on their way to the capital. Should we head them off?”

Rogan shook his head. “No, I have a feeling that they will be heading back to the tunnel. We will ambush them there. Soon I will have my revenge.”


The Capital city loomed overhead. The large domed building that housed the council stood in the center of town. It was surrounded by skyscrapers as well as a few other smaller buildings. It was night, but it seemed darker than it should have been in such a large town. Kena figured that was because the electricity was still out. There were very few people wandering around. No one wanted to be outside at night in case the dragons returned. They couldn't see them at night, so most tried not to risk it. Kena and Orion continued walking towards the Council Building, finally reaching it a few minutes later. She opened the doors and headed towards the Council chambers. She had been here once before with her family. Each of the Council members had their own apartment here in the building, so if he wasn't in the Chamber she would find his apartment. The problem was that the building was quiet. It was never quiet, especially not this early in the night. This building didn't just hold the council, it also had a small library. It wasn't as big as the other library in town, but this one held the historical records of the planet. There were other things too, which means that the building was always full, yet she saw no one.

Still Kena hoped for the best, but a small part of her was not so sure the best is what she would find. Finally she reached the center of the building on the top floor where the Council Chamber was located. She began to push open the door. It was dark, and the only light came from the glass ceiling. She looked up and noticed what she had hoped she wouldn't see. The lovely glass roof had been almost completely destroyed. She quickly began to look around the room, and as She did she collapsed to her knees. There, laying on the floor and across the table, were the members of the council, and Padriel was laying on the floor closest to her. She knew that face, and it couldn't be mistaken, not even in the dark of night. She had travelled all this way, fought hunger and cold, battled enemies, and other such difficulties, only to find her father lying there dead. Now she was alone. No, not alone. Even now, sensing her sadness, Orion nuzzled up against her arm. She scratched his head.

“Orion, you are all I have left, just as I am all you have.”

Kena should have been sadder, she thought, but she spent this entire time avoiding the mourning of her mom and Paps, and part of her refused to mourn for her dad as well. Too many people had died, and she couldn't sit there and mourn for all of them. Though what she couldn't understand was why there had been nobody else in the building, yet the Council was still here. She shook the thought out of her head. Orion didn't though. He had noticed It, and it was another hint towards the fact that something was not quite right. His thoughts were interrupted as Kena began to stand up.

“We can't stay here forever, and I really don't want to be here right now. Let's leave.”

Orion nodded, and together they left the building, and headed straight out of town. Kena just wanted to head back and home and start anew. So they walked.

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