Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I was in shock. My eyes widened and I felt my jaw drop. I could die right now, and become one of those things? How did that happen? How does everyone in the world have the virus?

"You mean if we just die, we'll become walkers?"

She just nodded her head.

"I don't understand."

"Well no one understands exactly. All we know is that once we die, we come back. Even if it was a gunshot, or starvation, or even blood loss. It doesn't have to be a bite."

Wow. I was stunned. I probably looked like deer in headlights. I stopped in the middle of the hallway........ I could die..... right now....... and come back as.... a walker.....

This is to much for life right now.

"Elizabeth! Come on, let me show you to your room."

I blinked a few times coming back into reality. The Governor was at the end of the hall with Andrea and Merle. Michonne was with me, trying to pull me out of my daze. I shook it off and started walking again. We walked out of the building and into the street. I didn't notice before, but there was a lot of nice places. There were grocery stores, apartments, a small park. I mean this place was perfect. Except the people here probably never had to do hard work a day in their lives, never had to survive in the forest alone for a month and a half, or even killed a walker. They just live their lives out like the world has not gone to hell.

We walked through the streets with people staring at us. Michonne and I looked at each other, we didn't belong here at all. We looked more like the men that protect the wall instead of the happy go lucky towns people. We walked up to a place that looked like apartments, went up a few floors and came to a door with golden numbers on it. The Governor opened the door and told us to go in. Andrea went first, then I did, then Michonne. We entered this room with 2 beds and a recliner chair.

"Oh and by the way ladies, I would like to invite you to come have breakfast with me and my friend Milton. We will meet you downstairs in about 5 minutes... if you would like to join us."

"That's a nice offer Governor, but we-"

"It sounds like a lovely idea and we will be there."

I looked over to Andrea with the fakest smile ever. "What the hell?" I mouthed to her.

"Great. See you then. Nice meeting you ladies."

Then he closed the door and walked away. I heard his footsteps echoing down the stairwells.

"Why did you do that? I'm not going to eat breakfast with a psychopath."

"Michonne it's not tht big of a deal. Elizabeth thinks it's fine-"

What did she just say? She just put words in my mouth.

"Bullshit. I did not want to go to breakfast with them. I don't even want to be here, I would rather still be... not here."

I said with a huff, then Michonne and Andrea started arguing with each other. I decided to sit down on the bed and watch them work it out.

They were getting quite annoying listening to them bicker.

"I don't want to stay here Andrea. It gives me a bad feeling inside that I can't get rid of."

"But you have given anything a chance! You gave me a chance why is this any different?!?"

Nope, can't take it.

"Will you 2 pull yourselves together?!!? Your acting like children! Now you both listen to me, at breakfast we are going to tell the Governor that we are going to be leaving in a few days if we want to. So everyone wins, deal?"

"What do you mean if we want to? You want to stay, right Elizabeth? You wouldn't have to fend for yourself out there. You could have a life!"

"Andrea as appealing as that sounds, I don't like the vibe I get here. I don't like this place or the Governor, and I certainly don't like Merle."

"No one likes Merle. Except maybe Daryl. His brother from my old group.... But that's not the-"

"That is exactly the point. Don't you wanna see your friends again? If you stay here, there will probably be no chance of seeing them. Now we are going to exit this door and forget this conversation. Let's go have some breakfast."

I gripped my door on the handle and flung the door open. I had to go speak to the Governor. There are things I have to speak to him about.

"Wait, Elizabeth-"

I shut the door before Andrea could finish. Then headed down the hall to find the Governor. I couldn't stay here if I tried.

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