The sixth chapter

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"What have i told you about coming here?" i could hear sans yell at the figure. I couldn't see much but what i could see was that it didn't look human or monster. I watched as sans ran after the figure. The figure ran all the way to sans's house and behind it. sans close on his tail. we got behind the house and there was a hatch buried under the snow. I saw the thing disappear under the hatch sans followed so did i. when we got to the bottom of the ladder that went underground (well underground for us.)  there was a lab with a desk and some torn blueprints and a picture of a group of people they all looked so happy. There were so many things in there but the thing that caught my eye the most was the big thing in the middle of the room. I  couldn't tell what it was because it had a big cloth draped over it. "uhh sans whats that." I asked and pointed toward the big cloth. "It's nothing.....anymore." sans answered sounding cold and harsh it sent chills up my spine. we were able to corner the figure but when i got a closer look it looked like a blob of goo with a head. "What are you doing here GASTER." Sans said as he got closer. I watched as sans summoned a gaster blaster which was convenient due to the situation. "wait sans!" I said               shit why did I say that. Right then I was gonna beat my head into a wall. "what did he do in this timeline cause in mine he didn't do anything really." what was I saying if sans...SANS of all people  were to kill someone he  probably  has a good reason. "Listen this is a timeline where what he did was...UNacceptable." he said as his voice full of rage. obviously he had kept this to himself and if he was saying it now what was he gonna say I'm a complete   stranger and hes telling me this? either way I'M HEARING IT. "Look in this time line everyone was happy he was in our lives me and paps but when he fell into his creation he was gone just like he never existed. just gone.....he was so sad broken and he wasn't himself even days before he vanished. he was the one to start the first genocide HE was first one TO KILL PAPS!" When he was talking  tears formed in his eyes. " EVEN IF IT WASN'T HIM HE GOT THE HUMAN TO DO IT! HE WAS THE ONE WHO GOT THE HUMAN TO RESET!" I was shocked at what i was hearing what he was telling me. i walked toward him slowly so he wouldn't notice. "he got the human to reset and rest and RESET! OVER AND OVER KILLING EVERYONE OVER AND OVER....I  despised wasn't until at least forty resets that I tried to change something......I took the blow for paps...the horror in his eyes the pain I felt as I slowly turned to dust...."I was now sitting next to him seeing him want his revenge and I was taking it away from him.. it pained me to do this ask these questions but i had to only to fine the truth. how and why would gaster do this to him to everyone else? the only question in my head was why why would he do this? what made him do it? was it chara all along? all these questions and no answers. " it made me sick when ever the kid reset... I knew it was under the influence of gaster but still it was there choice they could fight back so.... I started taking the kid to grillbys to get to know'em better see if I need to....t-to kill them or not..." I knew when he said kill it instantly made me feel guilt...guilt for making him talk when right now instead he could be beating his ass to the ground but no I had to tell him to stop and why me of all people I love to watch people get there ass kicked...or I used to at least.  maybe this place was changing me a little. I lost my train of thought when I noticed  that he was resting his head on me like I was a pillow. I let him and after a while I felt my arm wrap around his shoulder. WHY! I kept asking myself. why was I doing this. " I'm just so mad but I kept it hid it behind a smile I never should have done that....what would have happened if I had talked about it... would I look crazy? maybe I  would have slowly lost it...heh I'm hopeless I've hit rock bottom. if you only knew how many times I killed the human to save many time I saw paps die.." I watched as he started to cry into my jacket. I let him and listened to every word he said.                "all I wanted was to keep paps safe but would he believe me? no....not truly he would just think that I was hes gonna die again.....and again...I'm gonna have to kill the human again and again...I cant take it use maybe I'll give the human a free run this time I cant keep doing this..." My eyes widened as he talked... he was gonna let the human kill him in judgement hall? not on my watch. I stood up to face gaster . "you have controlled to many people and hurt sans so many times I've had enough. and like he says when he fights the human your gonna have a bad time. but I'm not instead you wont have a bad time but I know one thing...I'm gonna have a great time! My eye flared with passion and my fist clenched and in a flame. I knew sans was watching me. as I fought him not even in the middle of the fight he began melting into something. "hey sansy~" oh my god why I said in my head "did'ya miss me~" chara said as they stepped closer.....  

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