Gorgeous Gangsta [3]

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I looked around hearing nothing. I instantly got up heading down stairs seeing breakfast on the side with a note.

"Ant took me to walk Rage, there's your breakfast betta hope I didn't spit in it, and mmm them chocolate strawberries were bomb thanks"

I scrunched the note up throwing my plate of food on the floor before walking to the fridge seeing my strawberries were still there.

"That fuckin lil bitch man" 

I starred at the food on the floor as my belly rumbled just as the door opened and I heard voices and that damn dog barking.

"Wtf happened in here?" Ant asked seeing the mess.

The rest of the crew just stayed silent then of course lil bitch decided to laugh.

"I didn't really spit in your food idio----"

Before she could finish off that sentence I wrapped my arms around her neck chocking her.

"Yo man chill" Flex yelled.

"Man fuck off me, this bitch think I'm playing"

She kicked me in my lower stomach bawling up her fist.

"I'm not fuckin scared of me, just kill me I'm sure its betta than staying here" She yelled as I bent over in pain.

"Yall fight like a long lost married couple bruh" Dave said shaking his head.

"I'm tired of this shit" She yelled again walking off with her dog.

"G man you gotta chill on ole girl, she's acc cool af" Flex said.

"Man Ion trust her, you only known her for 24hours how that make her cool?" I gritted through my teeth.

"You just need to fuckin chill" He said walking off.

I watched as everyone else walked off. I heard the door close indicating that they left my house compleltly. Once my stomach stopped hurting I headed up to her room.

"Yo open this door"

"Leave me alone" 

"Man..Dream wtf ever your name is o---"

"--This what I mean, you set rules for me but you disrespect me, you really think ima do anything you fuckin do?" 

I rolled my eyes tired of her attitude.

"You seriously need to drop that fuckin attitude man, its not cute"

"You need to drop yours its not attractive either, Idk what kind of girls your used to but I'm not the one, I give respect when people respect me"

I folded my arms instantly tired of the back and forth.

"Look just clean up that mess in my kitchen and leave me alone"

She kissed her teeth slamming the door back in my face. I had no energy to be fuckin with this little girl. I went to my room putting on my hoody and trainners before heading out to the trap where I knew the niggas would be.

"You came out your funk nigga?" Dave asked smoking a blunt.

"Ion know why yall want me to be chill with that girl when she's fuckin disrespectful" I said with a small shrug.

"Because, them druggies owe us and until the---"

"---She clearly said they wern't gonna pay up, just kill them and her its that fuckin simple" I said cutting Jerome off.

"She's good for the team" Montez said passing a lit blunt to me. 

"Df you mean?"

"She gave us some info when we took her and that damn dog out, even if them crack heads don't give us what we want...she's got enough brains to join our team"

"We don't need a female to join our team" I said waving the idea off.

"This what I mean, you need to lay the fuck back Gucc, we need her but the only way that can work is if you and her get along"

I let out some smoke passing it on. 

"Man whatever"


After cleaning up the mess he made in the kitchen I went into the garden with Rage. I tried to open the back gate but of course it was closed and the gate was too big for me to climb. I sighed thinking of what Ant told me earlier. 

"So your parents are drug addicts now?" He said.

"Looks like it, I stopped worrying about them years ago, its just me and my baby" I said petting Rage.

"Look, ion think your folks finna pay us back n that's cool but your only reach for freedom is if you join our team"

"Your team? Not when yall fuckin leader is a asshole, I rather die"

"Think smart to be smart"

I watched as Rage ran crazy around the whole garden before running back to me.

"You tired baby?"

He just breathed heavy with his tongue out making me smile. I crouched down picking him up before heading back into the house. 

"Shit" I jumped.

Gucci was standing there just starring at me.

"Wtf" I screamed.

His eyes were dazed and red clearly he had been out all day smoking. I rolled my eyes trying to pass him but he wouldn't let me.

"We need to talk" He said in a low voice.

I blinked a couple times watching him walk through the passage to the living room area. I put Rage down only to have him right behind me.

"What?" I said with a bitter attitude. 

After he tried to choke me, I had nothing left to say.

"I wanna appologise about this morning, shit was foul I've never put my hands on a female before"

"Am I suppose to except that apology or even believe that bull shit?" I spat.

He sighed wiping his hand down his face. I sat down clearly he had a lot to say.

"Look man, Ion know what came over me, I know your attitude has me all the way fucked up and the way you speak to me...no one fuckin ever spoke to me like that, but I wanna seriously appologise, it was wrong of me"

I knew he must be real high to be this nice to me right now so I decided to take it to my advantage.

"You gotta buy me a new phone and some new clothes to show you really mean it"

"Deal...I just want us to get along, although you got a smart ass mouth my boys like you, and I think you would be a good addition to the team"

"Like I said, buy the shit I want and maybe I will think about it"

He handed me his black card making my eyes widen.

"My sister will come and pick you up, yall can do whatever with that tomorrow, just say we will be on the same page, I'm tired of fighting, you too pretty for that shit"

Did he just say I was pretty? 

I smiled taking it.

"Fine, we have a deal"


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