Gorgeous Gangsta [21]

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Pops was in the waiting room with the guys from the trap and family. Lila and Ant both looked drained and still looked rough.

"Yall heard anything?" Pops asked sitting beside them.

They both shook their head no. Lila's eyes slowly filling up with tears once again. Pops just couldn't believe what he had witnessed and just hoped and prayed all of them would be okay, he didn't want anyone to get hurt and here they were all laid up in hospital with nothing left to be said.

"This is getting stupid we been in here for 10 hours already" Mama Tasha said frowning. "I just want to know if they are alive..."

Ant cringed at those words, the thought of his 3 best friends laid up along side Dream and Star made him feel funny. He did everything with these guys and the fact that him checking for a pulse on Dave just shows this isn't going to go so well.

He wrapped his arm around a now crying Lila, her friends were all laid up and un-responsive, Dream was a whole 5 months pregnant...they just wanted answers. 

Pops perked up once he noticed a doctor walking towards them. Everyone stood up surrounding the doctor. Ant's heart raced rapidly only wanting to hear good news. 

"I'm sorry..." The doctor said softly.

The waiting room fell into a deep silence, the only thing you could hear was the sniffs on everyone in the room. Ant instantly broke down. He was now one mad down...

"What about the others?" Pops asked lowly.

"We still running test..." Was all the Doctor said before excusing himself again.

David W. Smith Aka Dave was now pronounced dead. 

"This is wrong...they lying man" Ant said through tears.

Something no one really knew was that Dave and Ant were actually blood cousins. And just like that they were no longer. We didn't need anyone to die but here we was...one body down and still yet to know about everyone else. Their whole world was crashing down and there was nothing no one could do about it. 


I jumped up opening my eyes looking around the room. It was dark...real dark. 

"Hello?" I called out.

I noticed a door and a light come from the other side. I stood up off the bed and walked towards the door holding the handle. It was so cold and I was growing more and more confused. I slowly turned it watching it unlock and the light get brighter as I was sucked into the room.

"What the fuck" 


I slowly opened my eyes again looking around.

"Over here bro" 

I turned around seeing Dave, Jerome and Tay.

"Where are we? What is this?" I asked confused.

"I'm just as confused as you" Tay said making me laugh.

I noticed Dave was on the other side of the room and a line divided him and us.

"Why you all the way over there? Did we make it out alive?"

Dave remained silent and sighed. 

"Who knows...I just want yall to know I love yall and yall still got the chance to leave"

"Leave?" Jerome asked.

Dave simply nodded. 

"I didn't have nothing left to fight for but yall, I took that sacrifice and now I want yall to wake up and do me proud"

Dave was the oldest out of the gang, he was more or less the glue along with Ant since they were blood cousins they were crazy but we needed them...we loved them.

"What are you talking about Dave? You can't just give up"

He shook his head.

"I didn't have a choice, it was me or all of us..." 

Jerome started walking over to Dave but he stopped him.

"I love yall..."

"Dave? David?"

The room fell dark again, confusing the shit out of me? Where did everyone go? What was happening?

"You need to wake up..." A familiar voice said. "We need you"

"D-Dream?" I called out.

"Come home Tayshawn..."

I closed my eyes tight.

"He's alive..."


Another 5 hours roll by...

"This is getting fuking stupid can we not see any of them? Where is my son? My daughter? My sons? My pregnant daughter in law...I want answers" Pops semi yelled getting irritated now.

"Calm down Terrance..." Mama Tasha said trying to calm her husband down but it was no use.

He was angry and wanted to know what exactly happened, what was really happening just as 3 doctors and some nurses approached. 

"Please don't give us any bad news we can't take it..." Lila said softly.

The Doctors all looked at each other before spilling the different news. It was both a bitter sweet moment...

"Oh My God..." 


A little short but we move lol...


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