Chapter Eleven ~ Baithazar

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Chapter Eleven:

            I soon stopped as I smelled pack territory. I could sense a change in leadership. I could feel the calm atmosphere that has taken over the hostile aura that had tainted this land as soon as the horrid wolf had become Alpha. I felt my anger for that bastard rise to the surface, but was soon cut off as I felt the source of the peaceful aura come closer to me.

            I turned to see a young child, a child that resembled a man I had once called my friend until that unforgiving day, but I chose to let it go. “Belik? Is that you?” That bastard hadn’t aged at all! “You haven’t aged a day!” I closed the small gap that was between us. I embraced him and he tensed in my hug.

            “Damae! Where are you?” I heard a voice. “Hey! Get away from my son!” I was soon pulled from Belik and forced to stare at…an older Belik?

            “Belik? Then who is—?” I turned back to the child and back at the grown man.

            “He is my son.” The man, who I think is the real Belik, said. I studied the little child and realized the subtle differences between them. I turned back to Belik and attempted to give him a hug, but he moved away from my reach. I looked at him confused. He was supposed to be my friend.

            “What’s wrong Belik?”

            “You. You are what’s wrong! You are not supposed to be here! You were supposed to be locked away forever for what you did!” That hurt, like a slap in the face. How could he say that? I was only thinking about what was best for the pack.

            “I was only thinking about what was best for the pack!”

            “No you weren’t. You were only thinking about what was best for you. He may have hurt us, but he was never cruel, until you decided that you were too good for any of this, that you wanted more and then that was when he started doing things to us that were unforgiveable.”

            His words hurt more than I let on. I ducked my head and turned away. And muttered under my breath, “I’m sorry I’m so stupid to think that you would still want to be friends with me.” I walked away and allowed myself to skulk in my own sorrow, but was pulled back by a strong arm. I looked up to see Belik looming over me with a large presence. I whimpered under his look. I suddenly felt compelled to reveal every little detail of any secret that I had ever been hiding.

            Belik had always had that effect over me. He was just more dominant that I was. I truly thought that he would be the Alpha of the pack one day…apparently not. My plan, years ago, was that after I had done away with the horrid Alpha I was going to have the pack appoint Belik as the Alpha, considering that he is kind, fair, courageous, and courteous to all.

            He sighed and said, “Okay, what do you want to talk about?” Oh he knows me so well, even after all of this time…

            “Well…I’ve found my mate.” He looked at me expectantly.


            “Well, he’s…a he, My mate is a guy, but I’m not gay. How can my mate be something I’m not sexually attracted to?”

            “You are attracted, you just don’t feel it yet.” I looked at him confused.

            “What do you mean?”

            “When it is time you will feel how much you care for him.”


            “It’s time to leave. Good bye.” Belik took his son away and left me standing there. Suddenly there was a pain and my wolf screamed. 

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